Zainul Abideen Con avance automático y audio viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018 ;07:06 hrs. PARTNERS Con avance automático y audio
A Brief Overview of Iraq’s Human Tragedy Zainul Abideen IRAQ DILEMMA A Brief Overview of Iraq’s Human Tragedy Dr. A.S. Hashim
Zainul Abideen Map of the Middle East
Zainul Abideen Map of Iraq
Comparing size: Iraq to USA Zainul Abideen Comparing size: Iraq to USA size of Iraq
Subjects Discussed in the Slide Show Zainul Abideen Subjects Discussed in the Slide Show Work of Quran Account technique of reaching out Desperate Condition of most Widows and Orphans The insurgency and the devastation Subjects Discussed Abraham, the Bible, Islam and Iraq Brief account of Iraq
The Ancient Iraq: (By JOE BOB BRIGGS), NY Zainul Abideen The Ancient Iraq: (By JOE BOB BRIGGS), NY They invented irrigated farming Invented writing Figured out how to tell time In the Code of Hammurabi, they invented the first legal system The first people to build cities and live in them They invented the cavalry in war Abraham, the father of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, was from Iraq.
Zainul Abideen Iraq in the Middle Ages They wrote the greatest poetry, history and "sagas" in the world. They established the first school for astronomers Beginning around 800 A.D., the Iraqis founded universities: to teach medicine, mathematics, philosophy, theology, literature and poetry. For the first 1,200 years of its existence, Baghdad was regarded as one of the most refined, civilized and festive cities in the world.
Zainul Abideen Iraq in Recent times Was ruled by the Ottomans, leading to neglect and disrepair Invaded by British in 1st world war Ruled by King Faisal and his descendants Series of revolts ended with Ba’ath Party Saddam Hussein manipulates, is in charge Wars, misrule, devastation, and tyranny led to catastrophic results
Genesis 22:17-18 God’s promise to Abraham: Zainul Abideen Genesis 22:17-18 God’s promise to Abraham: That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.
Zainul Abideen Genesis 12:1-3 Now the Lord had said unto Abraham, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shall be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curses thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed
Monotheism through the ages Zainul Abideen Monotheism through the ages
Iraq in history Iraq was the Cradle of Civilization Zainul Abideen Iraq in history Iraq was the Cradle of Civilization History goes back to 7,000-8,000 years Ruled by numerous dynasties and rulers Alexander the Great conquered the world but died in Babylon! (?Malignant form of malaria) Mixture of cultures and ethnicities
Ethnic and Sectarian sections of Iraq Zainul Abideen Ethnic and Sectarian sections of Iraq Kurdish area Sunni area Shi’a area
Iman (Belief) Shi’a Sunni Imamah God and His Attributes Zainul Abideen Iman (Belief) Shi’a Sunni God and His Attributes Al-Adl (Justice of God) The Angels Prophethood: The Revealed Books (Torah and Bible) Qadr: Being Guided yet Free to Choose Imamah Messengers of God The Hereafter Qadr: Guided yet Free to Choose
Rituals (Ibadat) Shi’a Sunni Salat: Prayer Shahaada: Declaration Zainul Abideen Rituals (Ibadat) Shi’a Sunni Salat: Prayer Shahaada: Declaration Zakat: Poor’s Due Saum: Fasting Haj: Pilgrimage Khums: The Fifth Jihad: Major and Lesser Enjoining to what is Good Forbidding what is Evil
People of the Book People of the Book: Quran refers to them: Zainul Abideen People of the Book People of the Book: Christians and Jews Quran refers to them: In many passages Of various degrees of acclaim or warning
Quran: Chapter 5, Verse 48 …لكل جعلنا منكم شرعة ومنهاجا Zainul Abideen Quran: Chapter 5, Verse 48 …To each among you have We prescribed a Law and an open way. If God had so willed, He would have made you a single people: But, His plan is to test you in what He hath given you: So strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to God; it is He that will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute; …لكل جعلنا منكم شرعة ومنهاجا ولو شاء الله لجعلكم امة واحدة ولكن ليبلوكم في ما اتاكم فاستبقوا الخيرات الى الله مرجعكم جميعا فينبئكم بما كنتم فيه تختلفون
Zainul Abideen Quran: Chapter 5, Verse 46 And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, Confirming that which was revealed before him in the Torah, and We bestowed on him the Gospel Wherein is guidance and a light, confirming that which was revealed before it in the Torah A guidance and an admonition unto those who are God-fearing. وَقَفَّيْنَا عَلَى آثَارِهِم بِعَيسَى ابْنِ مَرْيَمَ مُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ مِنَ التَّوْرَاةِ وَآتَيْنَاهُ الإِنجِيلَ فِيهِ هُدًى وَنُورٌ وَمُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ مِنَ التَّوْرَاةِ وَهُدًى وَمَوْعِظَةً لِّلْمُتَّقِينَ
Quran: Chapter 29, Verse 46 ولا تجادلوا اهل الكتاب الا بالتي هي احسن Zainul Abideen Quran: Chapter 29, Verse 46 And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit. ولا تجادلوا اهل الكتاب الا بالتي هي احسن الا الذين ظلموا منهم وقولوا امنا بالذي انزل الينا وانزل اليكم والهنا والهكم واحد ونحن له مسلمون
Iraq During Saddam Hussein Zainul Abideen Iraq During Saddam Hussein When Iraq was ruled by Ba’ath Party, headed by Saddam Hussein: Dictatorship, Stalin type Causing wars with Neighboring countries Devastating the economy Using Nationalism has led to social upheaval Oil money was cleverly pilfered During the 35 years of Saddam’s rule, about 3-4 Million Iraqis had to flee the country: the Cream of the Society
Iraq After Saddam Hussein Zainul Abideen Iraq After Saddam Hussein Americans helped form a government in Iraq Sunnis revolted the cruelest insurgency imagined Infra structure attacked, oil pipelines damaged Corruption became rampant Social upheaval led to extreme insecurity Al-Qaeda inflicted untold miseries Criminals roam the streets kidnapping professionals for ransom money
The Insurgents Insurgents use Islam as a cover for their political aim Zainul Abideen The Insurgents Insurgents use Islam as a cover for their political aim Convince the innocent to destroy and kill Supply money for the purpose Emphasize sectarian strife Ultimately it becomes power struggle The minority wanting to dominate Suppress and rule the majority
The Strife in Iraq Started by the Extremists Fundamentalists Zainul Abideen The Strife in Iraq Started by the Extremists Fundamentalists Wahhabis who were joined by: Al-Qaida The Ba’athists The criminals released by Saddam The fired officers of Saddam’s army Saddam’s Secret Service
The Wahhabis Wahhabis Religious Leaders Urging for spilling the blood: Zainul Abideen The Wahhabis Wahhabis Religious Leaders Urging for spilling the blood: Religious edicts Instructing their representatives in Iraq Supplying money and awards To kill 10 Shi’a you are titled as a Prince Get a prize money for killing an American, police officer, soldier, or a Shi’i
Social Catastrophe One million children are orphaned Zainul Abideen Social Catastrophe One million children are orphaned About 150,000-200,000 widows Sectarian cleansing: People forced out of houses Refugee in the worst shape Basic services in shambles: electricity, water
Attempts to help Channel money to the widows and orphans Tax-exempt Zainul Abideen Attempts to help Channel money to the widows and orphans Tax-exempt Appealing to Iraqis as well as others Distribution in Iraq is done by 10 members Details of distribution is emailed to us
Quran Account Inc. On contributing to the widows and orphans Zainul Abideen Quran Account Inc. On contributing to the widows and orphans You get a receipt for Tax-exempt Money is sent to Iraq (Ethaar humanitarian organization) Distribution in Iraq is done by 10 members Details of distribution is emailed to us Copy of the receipt is mailed to the contributor
Zainul Abideen Sample receipt Sample Receipt
Food, blankets, table stoves, etc. Zainul Abideen Food, blankets, table stoves, etc. Distribution
Sample: Course to teach sewing 50 widows Zainul Abideen Sample: Course to teach sewing 50 widows Teach sewing
Their needs Blankets Oil lamps Hot plates (electric stoves) Zainul Abideen Their needs Blankets Oil lamps Hot plates (electric stoves) Kerosene heaters Fabric for sewing Medicine Other elementary necessities of life
Finally Let us Read Surah al-Asr Together
Zainul Abideen THANK YOU Be in God’s Care Dr. A.S. Hashim