Team: Jeff Olvera Ron Palmer Alli Roland Team: JAR Team: Jeff Olvera Ron Palmer Alli Roland
Team: JAR System: Wikispeed Descriptive Statement Wikispeed is a road legal car capable of 100+ mpg. Strategic Values/Objectives Rapidly reconfigurable design Low cost Rapid prototyping Customer focused requirements Customer involved design
Team: JAR System: Wikispeed RS Analysis Creation Efficient vehicle - Safe driving environment - Improvement Fuel economy Development and manufacturing rates Migration Engine power sources Technology advancements (i.e. automation…autonomous vs driver) Modification Size of vehicle for other application Changes in regulations for roadworthy applications Correction Braking system - Traction system - Seat placement - Variation Variety of vehicle type per customer Operating environment Expansion(Capacity) Prototyping turning into production – (want to produce 1k cars within 2 years) Production based off of desire of customer Reconfiguration Reconfig of subsystems (i.e. suspension, fuel, engine…)
System ______Wikispeed______________________ Sample Graphics for your modification into your system needs Resources Integrity Management Team members Fab materials Scrum master Design software Test facility Subsystem modules Situational awareness Resource mix evolution Resource readiness Activity assembly Infrastructure evolution Subsystem Modules and Design Software Scrum Master and Development Teams Team members Sprints Subsystem Modules and Test Facility Active Infrastructure Passive Model 1- MPG Model 2- Speed Model 3- Capacity Sockets Signals Security Safety Service Standard Interconnects and Hardware Modular requirements Trustworthy Transparency Road Worthy Standards Retrospective Changes Rules/Standards
RRS Principles for System: _____Wikispeed_____________ (Think: Plug-and-Play, Drag-and-drop) Reconfigurable Scalable Reusable Encapsulated Resources Resources are encapsulated independent units loosely coupled through the passive infrastructure. Suspension modules Drive modules Fuel modules Evolving Infrastructure ConOps and resource interface and interaction standards that evolve slowly. Team members Regulations Technology Facilitated Interfacing (Pluggable) Resources & infrastructure have features facilitating easy resource insertion/removal. Standard interfacing of modules Team members are pluggable for where they are needed Redundancy and Diversity Duplicate resources provide fail-soft & capacity options; diversity provides functional options. Team members Modules Facilitated Reuse Resources are reusable and/or replicable; with supporting facilitation for finding and employing appropriate resources. Chassis Team Members Manufacturing process Elastic Capacity Resource populations & functional capacity may be increased and decreased widely within existing infrastructure. Prototyping Modules make for differn Peer-Peer Interaction Resources communicate directly on a peer-to-peer relationship; parallel rather than sequential relationships are favored. Parallel teams working while talking with the radio Distributed Control & Information Decisions made at point of maximum knowledge; information accessible globally but kept locally. ? Deferred Commitment Resource relationships are transient when possible; decisions & fixed bindings are postponed until necessary. Small teams Self-Organization Resource relationships are self-determined; and resource interaction is self-adjusting or negotiated. ?