Shobha Vora Jain Center of Northern California
Jainism - History According to Jain scriptures Jainism has existed in principle from eternity Historical and archeological evidences account Jainism at least 7000 year old Propounded by 24th Tirthankar Mahävir (599 BC-527 BC) Root word is Jina – means the one who has conquered inner enemies, which are anger, ego, deceit and greed
Jainism – Basic Tenets There is no creator, sustainer or the destroyer of the universe. There is NO super power There is no beginning or an end of the universe Universe runs on auto pilot on five things: Time, Inherent nature, Destiny, Karma and Self- effort There is a life after death and it is dependent upon your Karma Every action of mind, speech or body results in bondage of Karma to the soul
Jainism –The Way of Life Jainism is based on respecting the environment and ecology. Jainism is an exemplary way of how to live in harmony with the nature. Basic Principles: Ahimsa (Non-violence) Aprigraha (Non-possession / Non- possessiveness) Anekantvad (Pluralism viewpoints / open mind)
Jainism – Who is God? We call Tirthankar as our ‘GOD’ Tirthankar is the one, who has attained Moksha and taught us the path to liberation Tirthankar was born as an ordinary human being just like any one of us. Mahävir (599 BC– 527 BC) is our last Tirthankar Upon attaining liberation, Tirthankar now exists as a pure soul who does not have any desire, love or hatred and THEREFORE, He cannot help us or hurt us.
Unique Features Of Jainism Ideals of compassion and non-possessiveness build a strong sense of social service, mutual love and respect. No war was ever waged to convert or coerce Equality of woman in society and religion. Independence from priestly domination. The most eco friendly and peace loving religion Rests the power in your hand and holds you responsible for your own deeds Minimizing consumption provides respect for others’ life and environment. Teaches to reduce needs and wants as much as possible.
Jain Celebrations Paryushan (8 days) and Das Lakshan (10 days) – usually in August or September - for spiritual uplifting and spiritual pursuits. On the last day Jains ask for forgiveness from each other. Mahavir Jayanti-Mahavir Birthday – in March Diwali –Festival of lights –October/November
Basic Practices of Jains Jains are Vegetarians or Vegans Many will not eat root vegetables Some follow practice of not eating after sunset Commonly spoken languages - Hindi or Gujrathi ( Indian languages ) Most of us speak and/or understand English Jains cremate body after death