Unit One Vocabulary Week Six
Dogma (noun) belief system creed Every religious faith has its own dogma.
exhort (VERB) ~urge strongly . Let me exhort you once again; don’t drink and drive. .
IMPLICIT (adjective) ~without question ~absolute The warning was implicit!
inveigle (verb) He tried to inveigle my friendship with flowery words.
Nondescript (adjective) lacking distinctive or interesting features unremarkable/unmemorable
nonentity (NOUN) a person of little importance Tom’s boss made him feel like a nonentity.
Parsimonious (adjective) stingy/greedy unwilling to spend money
Scurrilous (adjective)
Sundry (adjective) ~miscellaneous The corner store sold candy, soda, and other sundry items.
Vociferous (Adjective) ~vocally loud The Seattle Seahawks have some of the most vociferous fans in the NFL.