Welcome to the 2017 CDCB Industry meeting!
2017 Industry Meeting Madison, WI, October 3, 2017 CEO Progress Report 2017 Industry Meeting Madison, WI, October 3, 2017
CDCB Vision: The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) is an industry collaboration that benefits the dairy community by providing gold standard genetic evaluations for the improvement of dairy cattle populations.
CDCB Strategic Values Effective industry collaboration Robust cooperator data base Cutting-edge R&D by AGIL Accurate and efficient genetic evaluations Referential national dairy herd statistics Enhanced communications
Effective collaboration is built over trust and shared visions, and success requires willingness to take risks and competence to innovate. The CDCB Board of Directors has faced this challenge with diligence, establishing a new organizational structure, developing priorities and creating conditions for the formation of a skilled team to run the operations.
CDCB Board of Directors Dairy Records Providers Dan Sheldon DairyOne Jay Mattison National DHIA Patrick Baier AgSource Cooperative Services National Association of Animal Breeders Charles Sattler, Secretary Select Sires, Inc. Gordon Doak NAAB Nate Zwald ABS Global Purebred Dairy Cattle Association John M. Meyer, Chair Holstein Association USA, Inc. Neal Smith, Treasurer AJCA-NAJ Boyd Schaufelberger Dairy Records Processing Centers John Clay, Vice-chair Dairy Records Management System Bill Verboort AgriTech Analytics Ted Foster
CDCB Board of Directors Non-voting Advisory Member of the CDCB Board of Directors Juan Tricarico Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy Non-members Supporting the CDCB Board of Directors Paul VanRaden ARS-USDA Industry Liaison Jack Gravelle CDCB Attorney Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP João Dürr CDCB Chief Executive Officer Duane Norman CDCB Technical Advisor and Industry Liaison Don Bennink North Florida Holsteins
CDCB Board collaborators and ad hoc groups CDCB Board of Directors Standing Committees Executive Committee Finance Committee Working Groups Genetic Evaluation Methods Promoting Data Quality Dairy Evaluation Review Task Forces Genomic Laboratory Guidelines Non-voting, advisory Board members AGIL Industry Liaison CDCB representative at Interbull Steering Committee CDCB Board collaborators and ad hoc groups
CDCB Data Access Policies End user agreement Agrees not to use results for purposes that are not expressly specified in the agreement Agrees to acknowledge CDCB as the source of the results External data requests Commercial & Research applications Collaborator’s data & CDCB Products Material license agreements General data access CDCB members, member affiliates & other collaborators
Enhanced communications Look East Amy te Plate-Church Communications plan CDCB Connection Educational materials CDCB Industry Meeting
Future Policies and Procedures National performance metrics Dairy herds benchmarcks Genomic evaluations Health traits New data pipelines Chief data officer Residual feed intake
The CDCB is the result of the U. S The CDCB is the result of the U.S. dairy industry working together for the common good, empowering dairy farmers to fulfill their essential role of feeding the world.
The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now. (Chinese proverb) Thank You! www.uscdcb.com