The bells on the sleigh go ting, ting, ting, Ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting. On Christmas Eve!
The reindeer pull the sleigh with a trot, trot, trot, Trot, trot, trot, trot, trot, trot. On Christmas Eve!
The presents in the sleigh are wrapped up tight, Wrapped up tight, wrapped up tight. On Christmas Eve!
Ru-dolph’s red nose can light the way, Light the way, light the way, On Christmas Eve!
Santa in the sleigh says, “Ho, ho, ho”, “Ho, ho, ho. ” “Ho, ho, ho Santa in the sleigh says, “Ho, ho, ho”, “Ho, ho, ho!” “Ho, ho, ho!” Santa in the sleigh says, “Ho, ho, ho,” On Christmas Eve!