Manager’s Report to WIRA May 30, 2018 Wallops Research Park Manager’s Report to WIRA May 30, 2018
Aerospace and Aviation operations Wallops Research Park Primary objective: Find tenants for the park, particularly for those seeking to leverage and enhance the capabilities of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS) and NASA Wallops Flight Facility (NASA WFF). Aerospace and Aviation operations Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Medium class space launch vehicles
Progress Summary Ownership - Leadership Marketing
PURPOSE Wallops Research Park (WRP): WRP is a research park including land, infrastructure, taxiway to connect with the Wallops runway and to create an overall attractive environment to support economic growth and the missions of NASA/GSFC/WFF and Chincoteague Bay Field Station (CBFS) through new commercial and educational institutions located within the park. WRP consists of Accomack County land, NASA/GSFC/WFF land leased by Accomack County and CBFS land. Space Act Agreement 2009
Developable Acreage Accomack County 92 NASA. 66 CBFS 43 TOTAL 211 Developable Acreage Accomack County 92 NASA* 66 CBFS 43 TOTAL 211 *leased to Accomack Co.
2006 Memorandum of Understanding 2009 Authorization PHASE 2006 Memorandum of Understanding 2009 Virginia Code 15.2-2403, 15.2-2403.2 Authorizes WRP as a Service District Established WRP Leadership Council (WRP LC) NASA/GSFC/WFF Lease of 66.4 Acres to Accomack County Space Act Agreement 3.4 ac parcel sold to Garrett Development WING Building Construction (15,000 sf NG & MARS)
Funding PHASE 2013 Funding 2014 Staffing Taxiway $4M Commonwealth of Virginia TPOF Park Infrastructure $4M Accomack County Bond 2014 Staffing Full Time Manager The Timmons Group as Project Engineer Davis, Bowen & Friedel as Project Manager
Construction PHASE Dixie Design/Bid/Build Roads & Utilities Contractor EV Williams Design/Build Taxiway Contractor Timmons and Davis, Bowen & Friedel consulting roles continue through 2015
Marketing STRENGHTS WRP Infrastructure and taxiway are complete and stabilized Wallops Complex is a incredible economic and prestige engine for Accomack County, Eastern Shore and Commonwealth of Virginia NASA/WFF Virginia Space/MARS CBFS Navy NOAA WIRA Aerospace Industry Contractors & Supply Chain
Marketing ISSUES CBFS property for sale Short defense contract length Building availability Mergers & Acquisition transitioning Inconsistent marketing efforts
Marketing CHALLENGES No central leadership for marketing Wallops Complex Accomack County WRP Manager - Responsibility split between WRP, EDA and other Econ. Dev. Opportunities Virginia Space Executive Director - Primary responsibility for launch and UAS operations Commonwealth of Virginia - Support and management of inquiries NASA/WFF - Support through direct agreements
Marketing CHALLENGES Leadership Council Transitioning of Appointees Chair Resignation - 2016 County Administrator – New Representation as of 2017 CBFS – Permanent in 2018 (Chet Chesterfield) VCCS – Temporary assignment in 2018 (Billy Greer) NASA – Chair/Designee Change - 2018 Undetermined Virginia Secretary of Commerce Appointee – TBD
Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions Updated 2018 OPPORTUNITIES Tax incentive program for new business location into established parks in selected areas (Ref. SB883, HB222) Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions Updated 2018 Restructure of State VEDP 2018 Construction complete & contracts closed 2017 BOS open to engaging in conversations concerning selling or leasing County property
ISS Launches expected at rate of 2 per year to 2024 TRENDS ISS Launches expected at rate of 2 per year to 2024 Vector contract and like opportunities for sun synchronous flight opportunities Federal support for space commercialization Mergers and Acquisitions Orbital ATK Purchase by Northrop Grumman Aurora Purchase by Boeing DOD Contractor awards UAS/UxS Surge Vanilla 5 day flight from Virginia Space Runway Infrastructure planned for island and inter coastal waters
ASK Appreciation for the Wallops assets Gratitude for good paying jobs Pride in work accomplished thus far Flexibility with new business recruitment efforts Willingness to incorporate entrepreneurial efforts Support for single Wallops Complex story initiative Patience with transitioning of leadership
Julie Wheatley, WRP Manager Accomack County Economic Development 757-787-5708 (W) or 757-709-5810 (C) 23296 Courthouse Avenue Accomac, VA 23301