Paraprofessional evaluation How will I be evaluated? What is my role?
1. Self-Assess on D1/D4 Read and study the two rubrics (D1, D4) Identify any components that do not apply to your practice Rate your current, typical practice for D1, D4 Rate across components, if necessary
2. Consider the facts: Evidence What are key facts that support your ratings? What might your evaluator NOT already know? What document(s) might help support your self-assessment?
3. Submit Submit evidence (facts) that your evaluator might need to understand your ratings, and any documents that will help. Submit your self-assessment in the TDES portal
4. Meet with your evaluator Your evaluator will indicate components of agreement Your evaluator will share differences in his/her thinking Your evaluator will share additional evidence A final version of the rating will result.
Repeat later as directed You will do the same process with D2 and D3 later in the semester.