TC status & remaining tasks


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Presentation transcript:

TC status & remaining tasks What are done and what are not yet Lepton Flavor Physics with Most Intense Muon Beam 2015/Mar/17 @ the University of Tokyo Yusuke Uchiyama

Toward engineering run Counter production Mechanical design Electronics Calibration Software & Analysis Toward engineering run November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

Schedule presented at BVR Build downstream TC in this year. Aim at a Michel run at the end of this year. Small update will be shown by Matteo. But, in principle, ON SCHEDULE. November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

Counter production Remaining tasks, uncertainties Most of SiPMs were delivered. Individual SiPM test underway in PV. → Paolo’s talk PCB design was fixed and final soldering test done. Soldering on PCB is about to start. Scintillator production underway. 1st counters’ test in mid. of April. Mass production & test will take a few months ~10 counters / day Remaining tasks, uncertainties Scintillator quality. Final design of fiber injection. Final design of light shielding. November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

Mechanical design Remaining tasks, uncertainties Principal design of mechanics was defined → Matteo’s talk Support structure is under construction in GE Installation procedure is almost fixed with the ‘new’ end-cap TC does not conflict with any other system, and probably installed after the end-cap Remaining tasks, uncertainties Optical splitter positioning & the mounting scheme is not yet fixed. Cabling scheme (both for signal cables & optical fibers) has to be defined. Without the new end-cap, more delicate installation procedure has to be considered involving the other systems. November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

36 optical splitters would be placed inside (or close to) COBRA At each side (DS or US) 256 signal cables. No cables around the counters 36 optical splitters would be placed inside (or close to) COBRA 4 long fibers comes from cavern 256 fibers All same length? To cave To WaveDREAM Just image. Detailed design is not yet ready. November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

Electronics Remaining tasks, uncertainties Signal cable, reuse of DC cable, was tested and now connector-exchange is underway. Back-plane is re-designed for better grounding against noise. -> Matteo’s talk To be tested in the beg. of April. WaveDREAM front-end was tested and good performance was achieved. Remaining tasks, uncertainties The other part of WD, particularly, biasing circuit and synchronization. Ground loop, noise in COBRA. Cabling scheme in the detector hut to be discussed. Current readout dynamic range to be decided, depending on the ageing test results. Uncertainty in the temperature & the variation inside COBRA Affects on the operational voltage. November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

HV & Current VBD=24.38 ± 0.1 V / SiPM Bias voltage on WD has to be adjusted for our counter. Stefan asked demanded current range to be measured on WD. HV VBD/SiPM = 24.38 ± 0.1 V (@ 30℃ ??) ⇒ VBD /PCB = 146.3 ± 0.6 V VOV/SiPM = 2.8 – 3.2 V (from BTC31,32, but to be measured) ⇒ VOV/PCB = 16.8 – 19.2 V Temperature coefficient 26 mV/℃ from AdvanSiD catalog to be measured ⇒ 0.16 mV/℃ /PCB Uncertainty on the temperature. ex. ±5℃ → ± 0.8 V 164.3 ± 2.6 V @ 30℃ a provisional number, to be better estimated later. VBD=145.5 V November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

HV & Current From the PSI beam-test we observed At ~150 kHz, current was ~20 μA with old SiPM However, at the end of the beam-test, the front two BTCs show up to 70 μA at lower rate. Aging effect, probably due to muon hits. The ageing test against light on the SiPM has been conducted in PV, showing no effect on current. The ageing test against neutron irradiation is underway -> Paolo’s talk For the safe operation, dynamic range up to 200 μA would be necessary. (provisionally) We do not need so precise current readout precision, but which will be the precision with that range? What is the demerit with large dynamic range? November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

Calibration Remaining tasks, uncertainties Michel Polish the method for more realistic condition (w/ CDC analysis, pileup, etc.) The calculation w/ Millepede is unstable better understanding of Millepede, or write own minimization code (simpler). Implement in MEGAnalyzer. Laser Understand better the system against reproducibility, offset jump etc. Establish method of fiber injection & fixation, particularly, for the inner counters. Get permission to use the laser in the area. Request two additional readout channels Laser synchronized signal for trigger & time ref. Photo-diode signal for monitor & time ref. Request one dedicated trigger. Michel calibration was studied with MC & beam-test data, indicating very high precision (O(ps)) achievable. Laser calibration study was started -> Kohei’s talk Most of the optical devices have been tested. Found that good amount of light can be detected on each counter with the proposed distribution system. November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

Software & Analysis Remaining tasks, uncertainties Event & detector simulation in GEM4 is ready. Framework of event mixing & electronics, waveform simulation in Bartender is ready. Low-level analysis tasks are implemented in Analyzer WaveformAnalysis->HitRec->Clustering Real data analysis has been performed in the SPXAnalyzer -> Miki’s talk treatment of pileup, noise, Clustering and tracking Some event-displays are implemented. Remaining tasks, uncertainties Sophisticate the geometry in GEM4 for final design (complicated support, adding fibers, components of PCB, etc.) Study on SiPM & waveform simulation. Polish the clustering algorithm for exceptional events (pileup, dead ch, etc) and improve the performance. Establish the tracking code. GEANE could not be the optimal solution for TC. Write own tracking (Kalman filter) code? Implement in Analyzer. Prepare calibration tasks. Evaluate the performance through the full chain of the analysis. November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

Analysis of MC beam-test data in MEGAnalyzer Secondary particle hits MC tracks (e+: light blue, e-: magenta, γ: yellow) Rec track (orange) Counter geometry from MC run header Waveform from optical photon tracking in GEM and synthesized in bartender November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA

Toward 2015 run We consider carrying out a Michel run in 2015 is very important toward full run in 2016 We can test full TC performance only with e+ in COBRA We can find & fix potential issues. Not only for TC, but for whole the experiment, it is an great step. We need Beam, spectrometer, target, DAQ and trigger as well as DS-TC. Original plan with 16 weeks was reduced to at max. 14.5 weeks. It is impossible to carry out it in < 14 weeks. Good progress & preparation is necessary for all the systems. (Submit a progress report at the end of Jun.) Which kind of trigger could be possible? Multiplicity trigger would be very useful . November 23, 2018 Yusuke UCHIYAMA