Civilization vocabulary
city A center of population (people), commerce (business, trade) and culture (traditions)
Social structure Groups of people in a society with different levels of power (control or wealth)
government A system of rules created by people in power and followed by members of the society.
writing To communicate using written symbols: alphabet or pictorial marks.
Religion Belief in God or gods; worship of God or gods
Public works Projects paid for with taxpayer money and used by the citizens of that society.
Job specialization A special type of work
architecture The style and design of buildings and structures.
art Creative expression: painting, poetry, music, sculptures
Staple crop A food that makes up the dominant part of a population's diet.
Civilization A society with a staple food crop that includes these 8 characteristics: cities, central government, religion, social structure, job specialization, public works, writing, art & architecture.