ICT and Ageing: Focus on the User Hanna-Greta Puurtinen, Lic.Tech., MA Manager of International Projects Pirkanmaa Polytechnic - University of Applied Sciences Tampere, Finland
Facilities for Independent Living: a testing and learning environment offer a homelike testing and demonstration environment for hearing, seeing and communication aids as well as technical solutions to support independent living of elderly and disabled people can be utilised by groups of people with special needs, professionals as well as educational institutions in the social and health care sector provide manufacturers of technical aids and companies offering technical solutions for homes a place to represent and test their products
Contributions to Challenge 7: ICT and Ageing Promotion of independent living by using technology Testing of technical products with end users (elderly, health care professionals) with special emphasis on usability and accessibility → research and product development Piloting new technological solutions in laboratory and real life environments Expertise in service processes (e.g. home care, service chains for endoprosthesis patients, producing services in networks) Esteemed, profound, and confidential co-operation with SMEs, companies, public sector, and third sector organisations both regionally, nationally, and internationally Contact information: Email: hanna-greta.puurtinen@piramk.fi Tel: +358 50 373 2947 www.piramk.fi