Curriculum Night Mrs. Pelkowski 2018 Hilda Walker Curriculum Night Mrs. Pelkowski 2018
Welcome! I have been teaching 5th grade here at Walker for 18 years. I have a BA degree from Northern Illinois University. I have a Master’s degree in Reading from Governors State University.
Remind App For my A.M. class (my homeroom,) please text 81010 with the message: @mrspelkows For my P.M. class (Mrs. Zitkus’s homeroom,) please text 81010 with the message: @mpelko I will use this for any last minute reminders throughout the school year.
Reading/ELA A.M. Group (Summit) We use the Journeys 6th grade text as our anchor text Novels will also be used in instruction of reading skills and strategies “Refugee” Students may be asked during the school year to purchase a novel to read for class instruction Greek/Latin Root word study Grammar/Writing Curriculum School wide novel “Because of Mr. Terupt”
Reading/ELA P.M. Group We use Journeys as our anchor text Novels will also be used for reading skills and strategy instruction Students may be asked to purchase novels for classroom instruction throughout the school year School wide novel “Because of Mr. Terupt” Greek/Latin root word study Grammar/Writing Lessons – Mentor Sentences
Social Studies Study of the development of United States of America We begin with the 13 Colonies Focus on the Causes of the American Revolution The Creation of the United States Government Novels may be used for cross-curriculuar study
Schedule Students have PE daily. Please make sure gym shoes are at school every day. Art is on Tuesday. Technology/Computers is on Thursday. Music is on Monday.
Library Students will have an opportunity to check out books from Hilda Walker Library one time each week on Friday. Library check out is for 2 weeks. Students may also check out books from my personal library collection in the room. All students are required to have a book to read at all times.
District Grading Scale B 80-89 C 70-79 D 60-69 F 59-50 Formatives 25% Summatives 75%
District Reassessment Policy Students that have a D or F on a summative assessment will be required to reassess on the assessed topic. Students will also be allowed one optional reassessment on summative assessments per subject each quarter. The score for the most recent assessment will be recorded in the gradebook.
Consequences Late Work Students will be responsible for completing any incomplete/missing assignment. Parents will be informed of any incomplete/missing through a Walker Missing Homework Notice which will need to be signed and returned the next day with the completed work. If a student has 5 or more missing assignments in a quarter, they will begin lunchtime study hall for the remainder of the quarter. Refer to the student handbook for full policy.
Classroom Discipline “The Walker Way” –BE RESPECTFUL, BE RESPONSIBLE, & BE SAFE Purpose: To create a safe learning environment allowing everyone to reach their potential as a learner. Following these procedures/rules fosters a positive learning environment both in and out of the classroom.
Consequences & Rewards Consequences: warning, loss of Fun Friday, detention, phone call, seat change, parent conference, and/or referral to office Rewards: verbal praise, PAW tickets, extra privilege earned, positive note/phone call
Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on November 19th and 20th. More information on conference sign ups will be coming. This will be done online during October.
Food Allergies This classroom is peanut free.
Important Info Friday folders will be sent home each week with graded work. Please sign and return these on Monday. Hot lunch forms sent home due Aug. 31st Spirit Wear forms sent home due Aug. 31st Book Orders – due Sept. 14th
Contact Mrs. Pelkowski Walker Office 815-464-2285 E-Mail address: District Web Page I post upcoming assessment dates in all subject areas. Homework is posted daily. Any long-term project dates in all subjects will also be posted.
Thank You I am looking forward to a great year and partnership. Thank you for coming to Curriculum and Expectation Night at Hilda Walker School. Mrs. Pelkowski
Have a good night!