Experienced with i-Ready User Panel Washington i-Ready & Ready Mathematics User Summit Experienced with i-Ready User Panel Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture Andrea Meld, Ph.D. Kent School District November 11, 2017, SeaTac Hilton Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District Covers roughly 72 square miles, including Kent, Covington, and parts of parts of Auburn, Black Diamond, Maple Valley, Renton, SeaTac, and unincorporated King County. 28 elementary schools, Grades K - 6 6 middle schools, Grades 7 -8 4 high schools 9 – 12, and 3 academy schools. As of May 2017, 27,896 students Highly diverse, majority-minority 130 Languages Spoken by KSD Families Students Enrolled in Free or Reduced Lunch 48.8% Students Learning the English Language 19.3% Students with Special Needs 10.5% Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
Brief History and Background 2014-15. KSD started i-Ready in after a rigorous selection process : across grade levels, both reading and math, vertical scale, user-friendly, technically sound. Currently, Students in grades K-8 take the Math Diagnostic. Students in grades 3 – 8 participate in Reading Diagnostic LAP students in grades 9 and 10 participate in both Math and Reading. We’ve reduced district assessments to i-Ready, IRLA (K – 2 reading), and CogAT. Some high-needs schools are using the online lessons. Prepared an i-Ready & SBA correlation and prediction model 2014-15 and 2016-17, independent of ERIA study. Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
How are we using information from the Diagnostic Assessments? Teachers and specialists use the Diagnostic Assessments to inform and individualize instruction. Teachers use results at parent conferences. End of year targets are used for school improvement plans and student goal setting – currently set at 1 ½ years of growth. We use i-Ready as a measure of student growth and proficiency throughout the school year. Diagnostic scores can also be used to predict meeting standard on Smarter Balanced Assessments. By converting scale scores to months of growth, we use i-Ready for LAP and other required state and federal reports. Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District How are we using information from the Diagnostic Assessments? (continued) To help identify schools with highest need of support. As one indicator for HiCap screening and selection, along with CogAT and other measures. For placement into middle school math courses. For students entering into the iGrad program, which provides online instruction for high school credit recovery. Online lessons were used as part of summer school programs for enrichment and to help students zero in on areas where they needed practice and support. Board presentations, research related to program and ad hoc data requests. Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District DATA VISUALIZATIONS Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
TABLEAU Demonstration Display - Reading Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
TABLEAU Demonstration Display – Reading VIEW DATA Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
TABLEAU Demonstration Display - Math Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District
Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District Winding Up Must haves: Commitment and involvement of leadership. Ongoing, multi-level, professional development. Teacher- and student- friendly assessments and reports. Student engagement. Connection with parents. Forward Motion: Design dashboards and other graphics to help people understand and see their data. Interactivity – users can customize data displays for their needs. Data and assessment advocates, someone (s) to carry the torch. Creating and Sustaining a Data Culture A. Meld, Kent School District