Integrated and Planned Enforcement of Environmental Law Phare Twinning Project CZ03/IB/EN/01 IMPEL European Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law IMPEL
Basic dates European Network for Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law 1992 – start ( Chester, Utrecht ) 1997 – start of sister AC IMPEL 2003 – merger IMPEL and AC IMPEL 29 members+EC : 25 Member EU Member States 3 candidates (BG, RO, TUR) Norway EC IMPEL
Objectives of IMPEL Network Effective implementation and enforcement of environmental Acquis in EU Sharing information and experience, discussions, offer of practical advices on implementation and enforcement of environmental AC Contribution to more concise implementation and enforcement of environmental AC To promote mutual understanding of common quality and differences of national regulatory systems To develop best practices of inspections, permitting, monitoring , reporting and enforcement of environmental AC IMPEL
Organization Plenary meetings (twice a year] ) Troika /sixta/ Clusters I – training and qualifications TFS-transfrontier shipment of waste AC-accession countries ? Green cluster-nature conservation Working groups Projects Secretariate Incountry networks of IMPEL/national coordinator IMPEL
Working programme and projects Co/financing by EC and MSs Multiannual working programme Annual working programme Programme priorities: Capacity building Improving methodology Development of good practices for permitting and enforcement Feedback to policymakers New approaches Disemination of IMPEL and IMPEL products IMPEL
Projects Projects: Leading country and participating MSs Management book for environmental inspectorates (DK) Minimum criteria for environmental inpections Better legislation (UK) Energy efficiency in environmental permitting (FIN) Lessons learnt from industrial accidents IMPEL
New projects Informal Resolution of Environmental Conflicts (GE) 14.-16.11.2004 Workshop on BREFs (FR) 24.-27.11.2004 IMPEL Review Initiative - IRI Švédsko Permitting and enforcement in wastes (NL) IPPC and Health (UK) Strengtening of enforcement capacities of New Member States (PHARE multicountry project) IMPEL
Adresses IMPEL Secretariat, DG Environment, BU-9 1/94, European Commission; B-1049 Brussels section: Zahraniční vztahy/IMPEL network IMPEL national coordinator for the ČR: IMPEL