The scientific communication in an international and multidisciplinary research programme AMMA African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses AMMA communication
FUTURE AMMA Communication BETTER INFORM OBJECTIVES SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGES Internal Communication External Communication Scientific Culture To provide the scientific information to insure a final use in applications Contribute to maintain the investment of these institutions and inform the AMMA community OBJECTIVES To Diffuse research results LARGE PUBLIC Including end users TO INFORM DECISION MAKERS MEDIAS INSTITUTIONS and AMMA community FUTURE INTERMEDIARIES NETWORK Medias and Communication team from institutional et from ministries, cooperation organisms, NGO…: Increase the actors diversity to enlarge the targeted public. Skill exchange between communication networks. BETTER INFORM RESEARCHERS AND STUDENTS Public awareness to the AMMA themes. Enlarge the AMMA community with African scientists to reinforce the scientific capacities: development of PhD, Masters, summer school... Usual tools and creation of new tools better targeted OBJECTIVES Reinforcing of the Communication capacities Extend the communication network to enlarge the diffusion of scientific information to facilitate the use of it in the awareness tools. Contribution to capacity building in science Development and sharing of communication tools with universities and institutions in West Africa. AMMA communication
AMMA communication AMMA communication