HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS When we talk about HOTS "higher-order thinking skills" we're concentrating on the top three levels of Bloom's Taxonomy: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Questions that tap higher level thinking Skill Sample Prompts Purpose Level Creating design, construct, plan, produce combine elements into a new pattern or product Higher Evaluating check, critique, judge, hypothesize, conclude, explain judge or decide according to a set of criteria Analyzing compare, organize, cite differences, deconstruct break down or examine information One of the commonly used questioning techniques is to employ the 5W and 1H questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How.
Asking "Good" Questions to Promote Higher Order Thinking Skills To increase higher order thinking: How did you get that answer? Can you explain your thinking? What makes that tricky? What would happen if…? What words in the story prove that? Can you give an example of that?
BLOOM’S TAXANOMY Higher Order Thinking Skills, also called critical thinking skills categorizes lesson activities and questions into a pyramid. HOTS are categorized from the top down, in order of skill required and educational value of question type. Evaluation - Making decisions Synthesis - Using information in new ways to create new things Analysis - Identifying components Application - Using information to solve given problems Comprehension - Restating, paraphrasing, summarizing Knowledge - Rote fact recall (These are on the bottom because they are both the most common and least effective)