Fiscal Year 2019 Tentative Budget
Revenue Based on information from the Department of Taxation, Department of Education and past trends
Revenue New Grant Funding
Changes These are the changes from the current year budgeted expenditures General Fund
Changes Capital Projects Fund These are the changes from the current year budgeted expenditures Capital Projects Fund
Not included in the budget
Not included in the budget
Fund Balance General Fund Beginning Fund Balance – $ 2,477,745 Estimated for year ending June 30, 2018 9.6% of Total Expenditures Ending Fund Balance – $ 1,480,121 5.6% of Total Expenditures Fund Balance
Potential Future Changes Timeline Pending Items The Department of Education has not notified the District the actual per pupil rate. It is adjusted for local support (sales and property taxes) for the second year of each biennium. It is currently set at $7,202. LP Insurance Services is still negotiating with insurance companies and it is hoped that the premiums will not be finalized at the currently projected increase of 18%. Public Hearing – May 23, 2018 Any changes known prior to the public hearing will be made for the final budget. The changes will shared with the Trustees. The final budget is due to on June 8, 2018 Potential Future Changes Timeline