Its A Place Value Thing By Bonnie Brock
5.1Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning.. The student uses place value to represent whole numbers and decimals. The student is expected to: 5.1A 5.1B Use place value to read, write, compare, and order whole numbers through the 999,999,999,999. Use place value to read, write, compare, and order decimals through the thousandths place.
I have created a game to go with a lesson on place value, based on CSCOPEs first 5 th grade math lesson. This lesson is a review for the students on place value, comparing, and ordering of whole numbers through 999,999,999,999 by observing and sharing a variety of strategies and mathematical ideas to solve real-life problems. The students will make connections between the position of the digit and the value of the digit (how much it is worth) in verbal and written expressions. Students also understand that the place value system is based on multiples of 10; moving left across the place, the value is multiplied by 10, and moving right, the value is divided by 10.The game Order that number is designed as practice to help the students with comparing whole numbers and decimals. The decimal portion of the game is a prelude to the next lesson. It is the most advanced level of the game.
Anticipatory Set: Ordering: Card Sort Game (3-Digit) (5-10Min) Have the students play this game prior to presenting your lesson Introduction: Discuss game and introduce vocabulary (5 min) Lesson: Display teacher resource: Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers – Notes for the class to see. (from Cscope) (15 min) Model: Model and guided practice ordering numbers with the students (only 4 & 5 digit numbers make sure to address misconceptions) (5 Min)
Ordering: Elaborate 1 Unit 01: Place Value Lesson 1 ( Game : Numerical Names Directions from CSCOPE (5-10 min) walk around and check for understanding If needed Reteach in small groups- (25-35 min) Independent practice- Numerical Names Comparison ((CSCOPE handout), Cut & Glue (7- Digit), Place & Value Worksheet (7-Digit) and Comparing 6-Digit Numbers (under Greater than, Less than)
StencylOrder That Number The object of this game if for students to have an interactive way to practice ordering numbers Students will rotate through gaming centers during independent practice time.
Students will rotate every 7 to 10 minutes Centers Independent work at desk (or for those that need more help in a small group with me) Computer Time (Playing Order That Number on Stencyl Numerical Names CSCOPE Collapsing Numbers CSCOPE
Give an exit assessment : 5 questions on the overhead that students will complete in their journals Place value Assessment Lesson 1 In teacher resource