Fly, fly, fly. Ladybugs fly. Fly over here. Fly over there Fly, fly, fly. Ladybugs fly. Fly over here. Fly over there. They fly up high and they fly down Around and around and around they go. They fly fast, and they fly Oh, ladybugs fly. l ow. sl ow.
Look at all the bubbles! s oa p
I slide down the r oa d. I walk down the r o a d.
Row, row, row your b oa t all the way to school. b oa t gently down the stream. If you see a crocodile don't forget to scream!
sl ow. He can ride a pencil to school. Will he ride fast or sl ow? go ou ld I sl ow.
Use ow in these words! Minn ow low grow slow Use oa in goat and soap and boat and road.
Watch the ball roll! It rolls fast not sl ow.
I w o u ld never eat that many hot dogs! The record for the most hot dogs eaten was set in 2006 by Takeru "Tsunami” Kobayashi. He ate 53 3/4 hot dogs in 12 minutes. I w o u ld never eat that many hot dogs!
Look what you can do with s oa p!
c a rr y This alligator will the egg in its mouth.
c a rr y Look at the mother the babies on her back. The baby opossums are l i tt le, but the will soon gr ow up and look like their mother.
you loud dog! Woof oh Do you think you w ou ld be able to h a nd le this dog?