Growing Up Fit Together for 1st grade Lesson 5 Growing Up Fit Together for 1st grade
Our Teeth Our teeth are very important to us. They help us to: SMILE CHEW TALK
Try This!!! Slowly say the word “tooth”. Did you notice how your tongue touched your teeth to say the word? Now hold the tip of your tongue with your fingers and try saying the word “tooth” again. Did the two sound the same?
Our Teeth We have two sets of teeth. One set is called our baby teeth. We are born with these teeth but they are hiding under our gums. The other set is called our permanent or “forever” teeth which we have with us for the rest of our lifetime if we take care of them.
Rules for Healthy Teeth Brush your teeth 2 times a day. You should brush in the morning and at night. You should also brush your tongue. Brush in small circles to reach all the spots on your teeth. Visit the dentist regularly. Eat healthy snacks. Avoid snacks that have lots of sugar.
(to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat) Try This!!! Let’s Sing a Song (to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat) Brush, Brush, Brush your teeth In circle we will go Inside, Outside, and all around Don’t forget your tongue
Now you can watch Dr. Rabbit and the Legend of Tooth Kingdom. Watch This! Now you can watch Dr. Rabbit and the Legend of Tooth Kingdom. ** You can now place the DVD that was provided by the GUFT coordinator into the DVD player.** Now Showing…..
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