Mes vacances Intro This year Last year Ideal holiday Conclusion
Add a negative sentence Intro Name Where you live What you town is like What there is to do in your town Add a negative sentence
Cette année Where you usually go on holidays How you travel and why What the weather is usually like Who you are travelling with Why you go there Add what someone else does Add an “Y” sentence Compare your destination to another one ( countryside vs mountains)
L’année dernière Where you went last year and why How you travelled Who you travelled with 2 things that you did One festival/party/event you attended and what it was like Add something that went wrong Add what someone else did
Add as many comparatives as you can. Mes vacances idéales Where you would go (pick a foreign country) What you would do Why you would want to go there (cultural reasons) Add as many comparatives as you can.
Conclusion Say what type of person you are to justify your dream holiday Add something liked to learning new languages/job prospects using languages
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