Lit. Analysis & Comp. I Room 2304 Basic Classroom Info. & Norms WELCOME! Lit. Analysis & Comp. I Room 2304 Basic Classroom Info. & Norms
INTRODUCTIONS INTRODUCE YOURSELF TO YOUR TABLE GROUP – 8 minutes Take 2 minutes each to introduce yourself, tell your group about the best part of your summer, what you’re nervous about for this year, and what you’re excited about for this year. A NOTE ON SEATING ARRANGEMENTS… If you need to be moved because you need to sit up front, are easily distracted, etc. please come see me at an appropriate time, or email me, and I will accommodate your seating request.
SYLLABUS In your table groups, take a few moments to read over and discuss the syllabus. Discuss any questions you may have and prepare to discuss as a whole class – chances are if you have a question, other people do as well. Notes of importance: Materials – need help purchasing? Please ask me privately & I’ll help you Attendance – please be here…we will miss you, and you’ll miss out too! Grading Policy – Grades should show your mastery of skills, not only how well you “play school” Late work – be responsible for your work, turning it in on time, and thoughtfully completed Don’t cheat Whenever you need help – please ask! A positive classroom environment is important – this is why we create class norms
CLASSROOM BASICS Class website: This resource will be updated weekly. Here you will find all materials (powerpoints, handouts, etc.) used in class, electronic copies of basic classroom handouts (late work form, syllabus, etc.), weekly schedules, and my contact information. If you are absent or need to find something from class, please use this website to help you.
TURNING IN WORK Turn work in ON TIME to the bin in the back On-time work Late work Turn work in ON TIME to the bin in the back Always check to make sure you’re turning work in to the appropriate class period Always include your… NAME CLASS PERIOD ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE You must complete a late work form before attempting to turn in late work Late work penalty applies – see syllabus Please communicate with with me regarding late work – my job is to help you be successful, not to make your life harder
TURNITIN.COM All typed assessments (essays, etc.) must also be submitted to by the due date. I will always tell you when I expect you to submit to An assignment turned in to the box, but not also submitted to will be marked late. Please take a moment to sign up for Record the class ID & password and keep it somewhere safe. Note your username & password and keep it somewhere where you won’t lose it. PLEASE make sure you sign up for the correct class period, or I’ll have to delete your profile and have you sign up again.
TURNITIN.COM CLASS ID & PASSWORD Class Period Class ID Password LAC I Period 1 16198141 eagles LAC I Period 2 16198260 LAC I Period 3 16198272 LAC I Period 5 16198283 LAC I Period 6 16198296
ORGANIZATION You need to have some system in place to stay organized (throwing papers in your backpack doesn’t count). Throughout the year we will do weekly organization checks, and I will give you a little time in class to stay organized. Here’s what I would recommend to help you stay organized for this class: A binder with dividers A notebook or lined paper for notes
LABEL YOUR DIVIDERS Vocabulary Grammar Unit handouts (returned assignments, teacher notes, etc.) Writing Notes
CLASSROOM NORMS Goal: To create a set of classroom norms in order to establish a positive learning environment. Step 1: Each of you should take out a piece of paper. Divide the paper like this: Step 2: In each column, list the top 3 behaviors or attitudes of a successful student, the top 3 behaviors or attitudes of a good teacher, and the top 3 most important elements of a productive learning environment. Step 3: Discuss your notes with your table group members. Anything in common? Different? Step 4: Reach consensus with your group. List 3 for students, 3 for teacher, and 3 for environment. Step 5: Turn in your norms. I’ll compile them and create a list of class norms which will be posted in the classroom and on the class website. Student Teacher Environment 1. 2. 3.