Perfect Tenses
The past participle is the same as the past tense of most verbs. What is a participle? As we learn about perfect tenses, you will hear the word past participle often. The past participle is the same as the past tense of most verbs.
Present Perfect Tense The present perfect tense states an action that began in the past but is still happening. The helping verb has or have is added BEFORE the past-participle form of the main verb. Example: Derek has practiced his cello a lot. What is the past-participle? practiced Which word is the helping verb? Has What makes this sentence in present perfect tense? It began in the past (practicED), but is still happening right now.
Past Perfect Tense The past perfect tense states an action that began in the past AND was completed in the past. The helping verb had is added before the past-participle form of the main verb. Example: He had practiced for an hour. What is the past-participle? practiced Which word is the helping verb? had What makes this sentence in past perfect tense? It began AND ended in the past
Future Perfect Tense The future perfect tense states an action that began in the past and will end at a specific time in the future. The helping verbs will have are added before the past participle form of the main verb. Example: By concert time, he will have practiced enough. What is the past-participle? practiced Which word is the helping verb? will have What makes this sentence in future perfect tense? The action began in the past and will end at a specific time in the future (by concert time)
What tense is the following sentence in? Our band teacher, Mr. Huan, has planned this concert for months. Present perfect We have practiced the music for “Peter and the Wolf.” A month ago, we had asked our principal to read the narration. Past perfect
What tense is the following sentence in? She has performed the spoken part many times. Present perfect After this concert, she will have narrated the piece five times. Future perfect She had been an actor before becoming a principal. Past perfect
What is the verb in the sentence and what tense is the sentence in? Alexis has slept for two hours so far. Has slept Present perfect Riley will have slept for 12 hours by 9:00 am tomorrow. Will have slept Future perfect Jordan had slept for eight hours before the alarm rang. Had slept Past perfect
Let’s practice!! Infinitive: to walk Present Walk or walks Past Walked Future Will walk Present Perfect Has walked or have walked Past perfect Had walked Future perfect Will have walked
Let’s practice!! Infinitive: to run Present Run or runs Past Ran Future Will run Present Perfect Has ran or have ran Past perfect Had ran Future perfect Will have ran