Real Time Audio Streaming to your personal Smart Device MobileConnect allows Real Time Audio Streaming to your personal Smart Device
WHY? Assistive Listening Low Latency - Indispensable for Assistive Listening High audio quality - Speech intelligibility
ASSISTANT PERSONAL HEARING Truly intuitive sound adjustment. Developed based on individual hearing parameters
Applications & User Groups Assistive Listening Theater Opera Musical
NEW Applications & User Groups Assitive Listening Universities
New Firmware 3.0.0
(Separate MobileConnect WiFi Network) Stand Alone Mode (Separate MobileConnect WiFi Network) Integration Mode (Integration in existing customer WiFi Network Infrastructures) Next release in Summer 2016
4 Channel/50 Clients Up to 8 Access Points (Range Extension) Stand Alone Mode 4 Channel/50 Clients Up to 8 Access Points (Range Extension) NEW Stand Alone means 1 CS 4 channels, you will be able to connect 8 accesspoints on a switch to extend the range of the system
10 ConnectStation (CS) available on one network Integration Mode 10 ConnectStation (CS) available on one network 4 channels per CS 50 clients per CS 40 Channels In 40 claasrooms and Auditorium = Assistive Listening coverage
Network Checklist & documentation Integration Mode Network Checklist & documentation for IT departments Integration mode is daily business for IT departments all necessary infos will be documented for them, if you need assistance for a tech talk do not hesitate to contact CDAE