Swiss cheese soup, the soup de jour, Is chronically elusive. Attempts to twist it on a spoon Have proven inconclusive. Swiss cheese soup is slimy goop. Its contents are elastic. It consists of bacon bits, And tastes like melted plastic. The slurping up of Swiss cheese soup Results in much chagrin. One cannot help but notice Stubborn strands around one’s chin. The act of eating Swiss cheese soup Is whimsical and scary. It’s not for the fastidious And not for the unwary.
Swiss cheese soup, the soup de jour, Is chronically elusive. Attempts to twist it on a spoon Have proven inconclusive. Swiss cheese soup is slimy goop. Its contents are elastic. It consists of bacon bits, And tastes like melted plastic. The slurping up of Swiss cheese soup Results in much chagrin. One cannot help but notice Stubborn strands around one’s chin. The act of eating Swiss cheese soup Is whimsical and scary. It’s not for the fastidious And not for the unwary.
Knowing a word is not an “all or nothing” thing. Strangers? Friends? Acquaintances? Knowing a word is like knowing a person. Not an all-or-nothing thing. Some words are strangers, meaning that they are completely unfamiliar. Others are acquaintances, meaning that we have some familiarity with them. Others are friends, meaning that we know them and use them. <go to chat> How does a word acquaintance become a word friend? Three ways: (same as a person goes from being an acquaintance to being a friend) 1. Spend time (repeated exposure) 2. Get to know (word components: prefixes, roots) 3. Have fun: word games and puzzles fastidious chagrin inconclusive elusive soup du jour elastic
inconclusive unwary fastidious Should I spend time teaching this word explicitly? Three Questions: How useful is this word? Will students be likely to encounter it again soon? Is it necessary for comprehension? Will teaching this word explicitly equip the students with word-learning skills that can be applied to other words? 3. Am I enthusiastic about this word? Can I make it interesting? To comprehend text, the reader needs to know 95% of the words. Next, we’re going to look at two models for explicit instruction that results in durable learning of the target word. inconclusive unwary fastidious
inconclusive unwary fastidious wary conclusive
Morphology Chart Attempts to twist it on a spoon Have proven inconclusive. NOUNS: They will fit into this frame: The_____. VERBS: They will fit into this frame: To____ or Can____or Is____ ADJECTIVES: They will fit into this frame: The ________truck or The truck is very _____. ADVERBS: They will fit into this frame: Do it ___________. (the) conclusion (the) conclusions (I) conclude. (He) concludes. (She is) concluding. (Yesterday, we) concluded. conclusive inconclusive conclusively inconclusively Nouns answer the question: What? or Who? Verbs answer the question: What is it doing, having, feeling, or being? Adjectives answer the question: What kind? (They may also answer the questions Which one? and How many? but those kinds of adjectives do not fit into the frame of The______truck. Adverbs answer any of these questions: Where? When? Why? To what extent? How?
It’s not for the fastidious. Morphology Chart It’s not for the fastidious. NOUNS: They will fit into this frame: The_____. VERBS: They will fit into this frame: To____ or Can____or Is____ ADJECTIVES: They will fit into this frame: The ________truck or The truck is very _____. ADVERBS: They will fit into this frame: Do it ___________. (the) fastidiousness fastidious fastidiously Nouns answer the question: What? or Who? Verbs answer the question: What is it doing, having, feeling, or being? Adjectives answer the question: What kind? (They may also answer the questions Which one? and How many? but those kinds of adjectives do not fit into the frame of The______truck. Adverbs answer any of these questions: Where? When? Why? To what extent? How?
Morphology Chart beware aware, awareness unaware, unawareness …and not for the unwary. NOUNS: They will fit into this frame: The_____. VERBS: They will fit into this frame: To____ or Can____or Is____ ADJECTIVES: They will fit into this frame: The ________truck or The truck is very _____. ADVERBS: They will fit into this frame: Do it ___________. (the) wariness (the) unwariness wary unwary warily unwarily Nouns answer the question: What? or Who? Verbs answer the question: What is it doing, having, feeling, or being? Adjectives answer the question: What kind? (They may also answer the questions Which one? and How many? but those kinds of adjectives do not fit into the frame of The______truck. Adverbs answer any of these questions: Where? When? Why? To what extent? How?