#p+ ______ ______ _______ #no ______ ______ _______ ONCE YOU ARE IN THE DOOR, YOUR IN. 1. Put all electronic devices away by the time the bell rings. If I see it after the bell I will take it. ALL FOOD MUST BE AWAY BY THE TIME TO BELL RINGS. 2. Pick up daily handouts. Check no-name folder. Move to Assigned seat. Start your Do Now in the Do Now form. 3. Raise your hand with questions related to the Do Now. Hold all other questions (remember parking lot for unanswered questions). DO NOW: State the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in each of these ions. 1 H+ 26Al +3 19F -1 1 13 18 #p+ ______ ______ _______ #no ______ ______ _______ #e- ______ ______ _______
Test – 20 mins Bring me your test when you are done Pick up a Nuclear Decay Anticipation Guide Use a TEXT BOOK (not your phone) to complete this
Homework Finish Anticipation Guide** Finish Mole Calculations worksheet
Tutoring 2min Today after school 2:30-3:30pm in 529 with Mrs.Murphy Thursday after school 2:30-3:30 in 710 with Ms.Wheeler and Mrs.Elam-Rice
The Mole 1 dozen = 12 1 gross = 144 1 ream = 500 1 mole = 6.02 x 1023 There are exactly 12 grams of carbon-12 in one mole of carbon-12.
I didn’t discover it. Its just named after me! Avogadro’s Number 6.02 x 1023 is called “Avogadro’s Number” in honor of the Italian chemist Amadeo Avogadro (1776-1855). I didn’t discover it. Its just named after me! Amadeo Avogadro
Calculating Formula Mass Calculate the formula mass of carbon dioxide, CO2. 12.01 g + 2(16.00 g) = 44.01 g One mole of CO2 (6.02 x 1023 molecules) has a mass of 44.01 grams
Mole Relationships Liters Mole Grams Atoms or molecules 6.02 x 1023 22.4 L 6.02 x 1023 22. 4 L Mole Mole Relationships Atomic Mass Grams
Calculations with Moles: Converting moles to grams How many grams of lithium are in 3.50 moles of lithium? 3.50 mol Li 6.94 g Li = g Li 45.1 1 mol Li
Calculations with Moles: Converting grams to moles How many moles of lithium are in 18.2 grams of lithium? 18.2 g Li 1 mol Li = mol Li 2.62 6.94 g Li
Calculations with Moles: Using Avogadro’s Number How many atoms of lithium are in 3.50 moles of lithium? 3.50 mol 6.02 x 1023 atoms = atoms 2.07 x 1024 1 mol
Calculations with Moles: Using Avogadro’s Number How many atoms of lithium are in 18.2 g of lithium? 18.2 g Li 1 mol Li 6.022 x 1023 atoms Li 6.94 g Li 1 mol Li (18.2)(6.022 x 1023)/6.94 = atoms Li 1.58 x 1024
Exit Ticket What is Avogadro’s Constant? How many moles are in 25.0 grams of water (H2O)? ** See Mole Calculation Worksheet