Metric System Prefixes L k what we are learning this week! Name: _________________ April 16– April 20 Daily Homework Sheet Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Read for 20 minutes Read your word study definitions to someone. WORD STUDY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Login to: Burton:R646JU Lewis: P46FD2 The Magic Glasses Think of a word that begins with the prefix: uni-________________ bi-_________________ tri-________________ oct-________________ mono-______________ penta-______________ hex-________________ dec_________________ Parent Signature: rupt= break (QUIZ WILL BE ON MAY 4) corrupt – v. to cause (someone or something) to become dishonest or immoral; to cause a change for the worse. disruptive – adj. causing something to be unable to continue in the normal way; interrupting the normal progress or activity of something. erupt – v. to send out rocks, ash, lava in a sudden explosion; to happen or begin suddenly and violently. interrupt – v. to cause something to stop happening for a time; to ask questions or say things while another person is speaking. rupture – n. a crack or break in something; a break or tear in a part of the body. Latin Number Prefixes uni– one bi– two tri– three quad– four quint– five sex– six sept– seven oct– eight non– nine dec– ten Greek Number Prefixes mono– one di– two tri– three tetra– four penta– five hex– six hept– seven oct– eight ennea– nine dec– ten Metric System Prefixes mega– million kilo– thousand hecto– hundred deca– ten deci– tenth centi– hundredth milli– thousandth micro– millionth L k what we are learning this week! Writing-Practice for MAAP Writing Test Reader’s Workshop: Review for State Test Reading- Percy Jackson The Lightning Thief Reading is the MOST important homework and should be done EVERY night!