Desiring the Office? How can the task of teaching fellow believers, among whom are those prone to quarrel, discriminate, practice immorality, or simply behave in a fleshly (immature) way be a good thing? 1 Tim. 3:1
Being a bishop IS a Good Thing! As an example to fellow believers who need to put off the old man. A godly and able leader who is able to manage dissenting brethren. As an able teacher of God’s word to build up the body and stand against false teachers seeking to destroy the body of Christ (if not individuals).
He Must Be Above Reproach Husband of one wife/ (having children who believe, Tit. 1:6) Temperate (not quick-tempered), prudent, respectable Hospitable Able to teach
…Above Reproach (cont.) Not addicted to wine or pugnacious… but gentle/peaceable Free from the love of money Manages his household well Not a “new convert” Have a good reputation from those outside the church
Do you Desire the Office of Overseer? Seek the Lord with a pure heart and a love for souls – both the saved and lost. Spend time with the Lord in His word and in constant prayer. Be a listener, exhorter, and peacemaker. Learn how to lead: be a good follower of the Good Shepherd.