The Space Race 1957 - 1970
The Soviets’ Superior Start The Space Race began with the launching of the world’s first artificial satellite, Sputnik, by the Soviets in 1957. Sputnik orbited the earth for 21 days, transmitting signals to the Soviets, before it crashed to the earth.
Sputnik I This is a picture of Sputnik I, taken before it was launched. The sounds are the signals Sputnik I transmitted back to the Soviet Union.
Sputnik II After the success of the first satellite, Sputnik II was launched It carried a dog, Laika, who’s vital signs were monitored to gain information for later manned missions
Other Soviet Firsts Soviets firsts also included: April 1961 First man in space, Yuri Gagarin's one-orbit flight (Vostok 1) August 1961 First full day in orbit, Gherman Titov (Vostok 2) 1962 First two-spacecraft mission (Vostoks 3 and 4) June 1963 First long-duration mission, five days in orbit (Vostok 5) June 1963 First woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova (Vostok 6) March 1965 First Spacewalk, Aleksei Leonov (Voskhod 2 )
The United States Space Program The Space Race The United States Space Program
Beginnings With the launch of Sputnik, Americans were concerned about Soviet dominance in space. The United States had been planning to launch its first scientific satellite in December 1957. However, two launch attempts using the Navy's Vanguard rocket ended in disaster.
Vanguard Rocket Public response to the Vanguard failures prompted national soul-searching in the United States. The media questioned why the Soviets could accomplish things that the U.S. could not.
NASA is Organized In October 1958 Congress approved funding for the National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA). We hoped an emphasis on space exploration would help us win the space race.
The Mercury Seven in 1960. Back row: Alan Shepard, Gus Grissom, Gordon Cooper; front row: Wally Schirra, Deke Slayton, John Glenn, Scott Carpenter. This was the only time they would appear together in pressure suits
American Firsts On May 5, 1961 Alan Shepard became the first American in space. His 15 minute flight was a great success. (However, it was one month after the Soviets achieved the same thing.)
Kennedy’s Goal Inspired by U.S. success in space, President Kennedy addressed the nation on May 25, 1961 and set a goal that we would have a man on the moon within the decade.
Kennedy’s Goal Kennedy’s goal was very ambitious as the U.S. had only just put a man in space for a mere 15 minutes!
Reaching the Goal In February 1962, John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth.
Reaching the Goal In June 1965, Americans celebrated the first successful space walk by members of the Gemini crew.
Reaching the Goal Pictured here is the crew from Apollo 8, who in December 1968 successfully orbited the Moon. (Three months after the Soviets.)
Reaching the Goal In July 1969 the crew of Apollo 11 land on the Moon.
Reaching the Goal Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon on July 21st, 1969. By landing on the Moon first the U.S. had won the space race.