CTE Data and Accountability Overview Geoff Grove/Melissa Maynard
State and Federal Accountability Overview Student Populations Data Points Collected Reporting Data State and Federal Accountability Report Card Updates
Who is a CTE Participant? A student who has earned credit in a CTE course. Enrolled in a CTE course meets all business rules Subject/course code, curriculum approved – hours – program matrix Valid CTE teacher license
Who is a CTE Concentrator? A student who has completed half of a CTE Workforce Development Program and has enrolled in the next portion of the same CTE program. Reported by districts POC has to allign to approved subject code. “One Day?” use best judgment
What data do we measure? Academic Achievement – Reading Academic Achievement – Math Technical Skill Attainment Secondary School Completion Graduation Placement Nontraditional Participation Nontraditional Completion Credentials Ever passed measures OGT – CLS how many passed GEDs included – was diploma now GED Placement – working to improve tracking with workforce development Grad requirements GW need detail
When do we collect it? Course and Staff window Student and Assessment windows Concentrator status, credit earned, technical assessments Graduate (G) Reporting – Diplomas March (D) Follow-up data, assessments and credentials
EMIS Processing Schedule Draft Schedule for 2016-17 posted 9/15 Search “EMIS Schedule” on ODE site Sign up for EMIS News Flash emails
Where does the data show up? Federal and State Accountability Systems Consolidated Annual Report for Perkins/Perkins Accountability CTE Report Card Data to Feds reported end of each year –
ODE CTE Report Card
Technical Skill Grading Schema 2016 and Beyond Original Grade Technical Skill Attainment Rate A 90% - 100% B 80 - 89.9% C 70% - 79.9% D 60% - 69.9% F < 60% Promotion/ Demotion Participation Rate Grade Demotion Between 90% and 80% Second Demotion Below 80%
Graduation 4 and 5 Year Letter Grade 4-Year Rate 5-Year Rate A 93% - 100% 95% - 100% B 89% - 92.9% 90% - 94.9% C 84% - 88.9% 85% - 89.9% D 79% - 83.9% 80% - 84.9% F < 79% < 80%
Graduation Component 60/40 weighting schema approved for CTE Report Card Same weighting as Public District Report Card
Prepared for Success Measures how well a school or district is doing to prepare students for college and careers 6 ungraded measures that become a graded component
A student must have one of these Component Framework To be in the numerator a student must be remediation free, obtain an industry credential, or earn an Honors Diploma Any of these students who also have AP, IB, or post secondary credits will earn a bonus weight of 0.3 Remediation Free Honors Diploma Industry Credentials Advanced Placement International Baccalaureate Dual Enrollment A student must have one of these Bonus points if a student has one of these AND has one of the first three
2016 Prepared for Success Component Grade By law the component is tied to the four-year and five-year graduation cohorts Denominator of each graduation rate calculation is the denominator of Prep. For Success Component
Prepared for Success Component Grade Scale - 2016 Scale increases in each year 2016-2018 2016 Grade Range A 85% - 100% B 65% - 84.9% C 34% - 64.9% D 15% - 33.9% F 0% - 14.9%
Prepared for Success Component Grade Scale - 2017 Range A 90% - 100% B 70% - 89.9% C 45% - 69.9% D 25% - 44.9% F 0% - 24.9%
Prepared for Success Component Grade Scale – 2018 & Beyond Range A 93% - 100%* B 75% - 92.9% C 60% - 74.9% D 40% - 59.9% F 0% - 39.9% *The percentage for the “A” range aligns to the four-year graduation rate
Post-Program Outcomes Component Promotion/ Demotion Status Known Percent Grade Promotion >=95% No Change 85%-95% Grade Demotion <85% Original Grade Placement Score A 93% - 100% B 89% - 92.9% C 84% - 88.9% D 79% - 83.9% F < 79%
Overall grade Coming in 2018 Proposed Weighting: Feedback Welcome Achievement and Post Program 30% each Graduation and PFS 20% each No overall A unless all Perkins targets met Feedback Welcome
ODE CTE Report Card -Federal
Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) Capture level of student involvement – Local, Regional, State or National level activities ** Did not participate LC Participated at the local level RG Participated at the regional level ST Participated at the state level NT Participated at the national level
College Credit Plus New Delivery Method (CN320) to help districts get funding CP- Career Tech College Credit Plus Course Instruction delivered at district with instructor provided by the college/university or with district's own instructor.
Assessment and Credential Reporting Changes Removal of the GU Assessment Code for FY16 The remaining GU Assessments are also reported as GW Only Report GW to Avoid Confusion and Duplication
Credential Yes/No Flag Credential Y/N Flag Removed for FY16 Report Detailed Credential Information
EMIS FY17 Changes Senior Credential Only Courses FY17 First Numbers of Subject Code 38XXXX
How do you ensure quality data? Build a data team Good data isn’t a one person job. Your EMIS coordinator is your friend. Monitor ODE reports Institute best practices for follow-up surveys Ask questions Data Managers EMIS - EMIS@education.ohio.gov Cross functional team Discuss updates – Post Placement – contact card parents/friends social media presence
CTE Data Management Staff Geoff Grove Geoff.grove@education.ohio.gov Kim McKeand Briar.mckeand@education.ohio.gov Melissa Maynard Melissa.maynard@education.ohio.gov