There are three different pathways GCSE Science There are three different pathways . Separate Sciences (Triple) Additional Science (Double) Cambridge National (Vocational)
Key Topics Biology Chemistry Physics Cells Balancing Equations Distance/velocity – time graphs Photosynthesis & respiration Structures and Bonding Series and parallel circuits Enzymes Chemical Maths (Formulas) Conduction, convection and radiation Evolution, Genes and inheritance Electron Configuration Momentum Keeping Healthy Rates of Reaction Rearranging equations
Command Words Calculate [2] Compare [4] Describe [2] Explain [4] State/give/name [1] Use the example in the passage/diagram/graph to____________ [3]
Things to avoid Restating the question. Repeating yourself (even if you think you are changing the context). Giving information that the question has already provided. Not showing your workings (calculations). Using chemical symbols unless its specifically asked for.
Things to do Show your knowledge. Make distinctive bullet points. Use key words. Show your workings. Put steps in a logical process. Don’t be afraid to state the obvious (unless it’s already given in the question).
Revision Techniques Revise a topic THEN do a past paper – KEY WORDS!!!!!! Mark your past paper, using the mark scheme. Make corrections (green pen) – be harsh to yourself. Don’t be afraid to repeat that same past paper.
If you do this bit – you will get 4 marks. Explain... Describe... If you do this bit – you will get 4 marks. The explain will get the final 2
Revision Guides ISBN Triple: Biology – 978 1 84146 638 5 Chemistry – 978 1 84146 640 8 Physics - 978 1 84146 641 5 Double: Core – 978 1 84146 710 8 Additional - 978 1 84762 768 1