AUTHORSHIP PATTERN AND COLLABORATIVE STRENGTH AMONG LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE PROFESSIONALS: A CASE STUDY OF THE 2001-2014 NACLIN PROCEEDINGS Dr. M.DORASWAMY Associate Professor & Head Department of Library and Information Science (Bishop Caldwell E-resources Centre) Dravidian University Srininvasavanam, KUPPAM – 517425. A.P. E-mail: Dr. B.R. DORASWAMY NAICK Assistant Professor, University Library Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada-533 003, Andhra Pradesh E-mail: Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick INTRODUCTION In the era of bibliometric analysis, the analyzing of authorship pattern and productivity occupies a leadership position. The researchers in information science kept utmost on the concept of authorship and scientific documents. A scientific analysis of the nature of research collaboration and its influence on the allround research activity determines the author caliber and pattern. Today’s science demands on collaborative research and shared work and has always tried to enhance the level of position consistently, a trait amply reflected in the present study. Collaboration of works can be accessed through a broad view such as the number of authors write, how many people they write with and how has this affected their productivity. Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To examine the nature of the authorship pattern among the library and information science professionals in the NACLIN proceedings; To study the proportion of single Vs multi-authored papers in NACLIN proceedings; and To examine the degree of collaboration among the authors of the NACLIN proceedings. Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY The present study is concerned with the analysis of citations appeared in the NACLIN proceeding from the year 2001 to 2014 (with an exception of year 2010 when the proceedings was missed) were used for this study. A sample of 425 contributions of 2001 to 2014 published from National Conventions on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN) proceedings is taken for the study. Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick Results Distribution of articles by conference volume Year wise distribution of contributions from 2001 to 2014 S.No Conference volume No. of articles Percentage 1 NACLIN-2001 42 9.88 2 NACLIN-2002 40 9.41 3 NACLIN-2003 46 10.82 4 NACLIN-2004 30 7.06 5 NACLIN-2005 6 NACLIN-2006 35 8.23 7 NACLIN-2007 54 12.71 8 NACLIN-2008 23 5.41 9 NACLIN-2009 26 6.12 10 NACLIN-2011 24 5.65 11 NACLIN-2012 20 4.71 12 NACLIN-2013 25 5.88 13 NACLIN-2014 TOTAL 425 100.00 This table shows that a total number of 425 articles published from 2001 to 2014. The average number of articles published for the thirteen years of record was 32.69 articles for per conference proceeding. . Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
Single authored articles (%) Multiple authored articles (%) Single Vs multiple authorship articles in NACLIN proceedings S.No Year Single authored articles (%) Multiple authored articles (%) Total articles (%) 1 NACLIN-2001 23 (54.76) 19 (45.24) 42 (100.00) 2 NACLIN-2002 25 (62.50) 15 (37.50) 40 (100.00) 3 NACLIN-2003 31(67.39) 15 (32.61) 46 (100.00) 4 NACLIN-2004 18 (60.00) 12 (40.00) 30 (100.00) 5 NACLIN-2005 10 (33.33) 20 (66.67) 6 NACLIN-2006 16 (45.71) 19 (54.29) 35 (100.00) 7 NACLIN-2007 29 (53.70) 25 (46.30) 54 (100.00) 8 NACLIN-2008 11 (47.83) 12 (52.17) 23 (100.00) 9 NACLIN-2009 12 (46.15) 14 (53.85) 26 (100.00) 10 NACLIN-2011 13 (54.17) 11 (45.83) 24 (100.00) 11 NACLIN-2012 12 (60.00) 8 (40.00) 20 (100.00) 12 NACLIN-2013 15 (60.00) 10 (56.67) 25 (100.00) 13 NACLIN-2014 13 (43.33) 17 (46.35) TOTAL 228 (53.65) 197 (46.35) 425 (100.00) This table shows that there is a closed competition between single authored articles Vs multi authored articles. Out of 425 articles, 228 (53.65%) are single authored articles, while 197 (46.35%) are multi authored articles Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
Percentage of articles Cumulative percentage of articles AUTHORSHIP PATTERN S.No No. of authors No. of articles Total No. of authors Percentage of articles Cumulative percentage of articles 1 Single 228 53.64 2 Two 128 256 30.12 83.76 3 Three 51 153 12.00 95.76 4 Four 18 72 4.24 100.00 TOTAL 425 709 This table shows that a total number of 709 authors have contributed 425 articles, where single authored papers are rated highest with 228 articles followed by two authored papers are 128 articles, three authored are by 51 articles, and four authored are by 18 articles. Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
Average No. of authors per paper (AAP=A/P) Average number of authors per paper in NACLIN proceedings S.No Year Total No. of papers (P) Total No. of Authors (A) Average No. of authors per paper (AAP=A/P) 1 NACLIN-2001 42 67 1.6 2 NACLIN-2002 40 63 3 NACLIN-2003 46 68 1.5 4 NACLIN-2004 30 48 5 NACLIN-2005 62 2.1 6 NACLIN-2006 35 69 2.0 7 NACLIN-2007 54 86 8 NACLIN-2008 23 1.8 9 NACLIN-2009 26 10 NACLIN-2011 24 38 11 NACLIN-2012 20 12 NACLIN-2013 25 13 NACLIN-2014 56 1.9 TOTAL 425 709 This table shows that the single authorship is predominant in practice in the study. All most all the years there is an average of 1.6 authors per paper. Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
Degree of collaboration in NACLIN proceedings S.No Year of the conference No. of single authored papers (Ns) No. of Multiple authored papers (Nm) Degree of collaboration C= Nm/ Nm+Ns 1 NACLIN-2001 23 19 0.45 2 NACLIN-2002 25 15 0.36 3 NACLIN-2003 31 0.33 4 NACLIN-2004 18 12 0.40 5 NACLIN-2005 10 20 0.67 6 NACLIN-2006 16 0.54 7 NACLIN-2007 29 0.46 8 NACLIN-2008 11 0.52 9 NACLIN-2009 14 NACLIN-2011 13 NACLIN-2012 NACLIN-2013 NACLIN-2014 17 0.57 The results this Table indicates interest to record that the degree of collaboration in NACLIN proceedings varied from 0.33 to 0.67. The degree of collaborative research is seems to be no constant in all the years of NACLIN proceedings. Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick CONCLUSION This study demonstrates the authorship pattern and collaborative strength in the analysis of National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN) proceedings. It is glaring from the study that single authorship is a common phenomenon among the library and information science professionals in conferences. From the thirteen years of data gathered from NACLIN proceedings, single authored papers surpassed multi authored papers for each proceeding which shows a sign of solidarity in this field. More so, the pattern of authorship also shows that single authored works are common. The average number of authors per contribution in NACLIN proceedings as a whole is 1.6. It can be concluded that this study indicates towards individual research than collaborative research. NACLIN 2007 stood first in the publication of highest number of articles which indicates at most zeal over publishing/presenting of papers followed by a lowest rate of interest on the part of the information science professionals towards publishing/presenting papers in NACLIN in the year 2012. Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick
Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick THANK 'Q' Friday, November 23, 2018 Dr.M.Doraswamy & Dr.B.R. Doraswamy Naick