The Present Tense It’s a gift!
Vera may look like an old moose but she also asks some very good questions… What is a verb?
I see ! A verb is a word representing: A. an action I play…, you make … B. a state We have…, they are …, I am becoming… I see !
So what’s the present tense? The present tense is the form we give the verb to show that it: Happens regularly e.g. Ich lese jeden Tag (I read every day) e.g. Was lernst du in der Schule? (What do you learn at school?) Is happening now e.g. Ruhe! Ich lese! (Quiet! I’m reading!) e.g. Was lernst du in Informatik? (What are you learning in IT?)
In English you can say ‘I read’ or ‘I am reading’ German uses one word for the verb in the present tense e.g. lese = ‘I read’ or ‘I am reading’ Ignore the ‘trimmings’ we often put around an English verb: e.g. am reading/ do you … read….?
Fine. So what else do I need to know? You need to understand three keywords: ENDING INFINITIVE STEM
INFINITIVE This is the form of the verb found in the dictionary This always ends in –n or -en It is translated into English as ‘ to . . .’ OK!
spiel en = STEM STEM The STEM of regular verbs is simply the infinitive form minus the –en spiel en = STEM EASY!
ENDINGS Endings are added to the stem of the verb The same set of endings is used for all verbs Endings change according to the subject (the person or thing who does the action) What are the endings?
Subject Pronouns ich I du you (friend) er/es/sie he/it/she wir we ihr I remember! ihr you (friends) Sie you (polite, sing./pl) sie they
Add the regular snap endings to the stem! ich stem +e du stem +st er/es/sie stem +t wir stem +en ihr stem +t Sie/sie stem +en
And that’s straight from the moose’s mouth! Again?