Reconsidering RA-OLSR September 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/xxxxr0 September 2007 Reconsidering RA-OLSR Date: 2007-09-19 Authors:
September 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/xxxxr0 September 2007 Overview The TGs draft describes a default routing protocol, HWMP, as well as an optional routing protocol, RA-OLSR The TGs draft allows the implementation of any routing protocol through its extensibility framework RA-OLSR is unnecessary duplicate functionality that elicited 400 comments during our last letter ballot In the interest of improving the efficiency of the TGs process, we propose RA-OLSR functionality be removed from the TGs draft.
Duplication of Routing Functionality September 2007 Duplication of Routing Functionality RA-OLSR is a proactive protocol, which was introduced as a complementary alternative to the routing mechanisms in TGs, which at the time were purely on-demand The current default routing protocol, HWMP, has both on-demand and proactive mechanisms There are no additional deployment scenarios or usage models that RA-OLSR enables beyond those that are enabled by HWMP RA-OLSR is unnecessary duplicate functionality.
Improving Efficiency of the TGs Process September 2007 Improving Efficiency of the TGs Process Draft P802.11s_D1.06 is 246 pages long 48 pages, roughly 20% of the draft contains text related to RA-OLSR The first 11s letter ballot elicited 5,700 comments, 400 of which were RA-OLSR related, 175 of which were technical Removing RA-OLSR will reduce the complexity of the TGs draft, simplify the review process, and facilitate the progression of the draft through the standards process.
Proposed changes to Draft D1.06 Instruct the Editor to: Remove Section 11A.9. Remove Sections – Remove Section Remove Section T.3. Remove Sections T.8 – T.10. Remove definitions of OLSR and RA-OLSR in Section 4. Update Table s4 by updating the Value field of row 3 to 1-254, and then removing row 2. Update Table s1 by removing “11A.9” from the Clause field on row 7.
September 2007 Straw Poll Do you support the removal of RA-OLSR as described in this presentation? Yes No Abstain
Motion Instruct the Editor to make the following changes to TGs Draft P802.11s_D1.06: Remove Section 11A.9. Remove Sections – Remove Section Remove Section T.3. Remove Sections T.8 – T.10. Remove definitions of OLSR and RA-OLSR in Section 4. Update Table s4 by updating the Value field of row 3 to 1-254, and then removing row 2. Update Table s1 by removing “11A.9” from the Clause field on row 7.