PIIRS experiences and challenges CARE Ethiopia Programs PIIRS refresher/induction training Bishoftu, Ethiopia August 2017
Outline TOC & Programs CARE Ethiopia PIIRS reporting & contribution to CI Experiences Follow-up actions November 23, 2018
CARE Ethiopia Theory of change Economic & social transformation of the most vulnerable women & girls Institutions are responsive to women & girls priorities Women & girls have equal access to social services &economic opportunities Women and girls realize & exercise their full potential Women and girls have access to and control over household assets and resources Cultural & social norms & attitude support women right and aspiration November 23, 2018
The CARE Ethiopia Programs CFIRW PSAG RPUFY November 23, 2018
Impact and knowledge system Developed in 2011,following the ‘P’ shift Subsystems such as monitoring, evaluation, lesson generating(MEL) and impact measurement Intended to ensure that whether the project/program design, monitoring, evaluation, learning and impact measurement functions are in line with the program principles and program characteristics
Impact & Knowledge system Set to coordinate and harmonize the projects/programs MEL and impact measurement works to enable CARE demonstrate program impacts at systemic and structural level So far CARE Ethiopia has nearly 20(65% female MEL professionals) qualified M&E/LDM professional that are assigned at head office and field offices November 23, 2018
Own experiences, & sectorial favouritism Foundations & other donors Current forces CARE Ethiopia CARE USA/ CI& Gov. Own experiences, & sectorial favouritism USAID EU Foundations & other donors GATES GAC Gov. &Targets November 23, 2018
CARE MEL/LDM: Consultancy To establish MEL system that will lead to: a. Unify and organize CARE Ethiopia’s data(Project, program & PIIRS) and, b. Strengthen the study of program impact. November 23, 2018
CARE Eth. PIIRS FY 16 report & contribution to CI November 23, 2018
Reflection from PIIRS FY’16 What we did? What do we lack ? What could we do? All projects completed project information for FY16 on time(REACH 100 % but impact ?) Heterogeneous information and difficulty in accumulate(HH Vs individual, # Vs % …) & direct indirect Consistency All projects have M&E framework & plans Project specific/ donor based and minimal flexibility to accommodate country office expectations More nearness while choosing information type and purpose during MEL implementation Almost all have conducts surveys(baseline, midterm and end line) Sampling, headcount, use of regional & national level values for projects baseline and incomplete survey(humanitarian) Clarity, consistency and acceptability at outside of CARE as well Commitment to demonstrate impact at country level Distinct approaches and different unit of measurement, different form of information. Difficult to accumulate projects contribution towards organizational TOC/ goals Uniformity starting from baseline through to end line and impact assessment All projects reported its information Difficult to measure values obtained through different approaches. Clarity on how PIIRs accommodate information generated through different methodologies November 23, 2018
Follow-up action by CARE Ethiopia Requested & received assistance from CARE HQ-MI Two months in country support by MS -student intern from Emory university, USA A day long training on PIIRS Global indicator mapping Vs CARE Ethiopia projects Mapping CARE Ethiopia implementation areas and identification of potential double countering Field visit at NPO, EH & WH field offices Findings shared to LDM/PMT November 23, 2018
Generated evidences: Where is project data coming from? Village Agents Definition? Government staff / volunteers / kebele leaders Small component of their job High turnover Lack of training Community Facilitators GROW E Hararghe example 1348 groups 6 CFs Monthly visits?
Double Counting Geographic Overlap Sectoral Overlap Projects with multiple activities Unclear definitions of direct / indirect participants Lack of activity specific attendance lists Inconsistent Master Beneficiary Lists (MBLs) Untrained Village Agents No M&E officer / not enough human power
Information Flow Village Agent Community Facilitator Data Clerk Project Team Leader M&E Officer Project Manager Field Office LDM Manager? Country Office LDM Manager Chief of Party Program Coordinator Sector Head PQL? POM?
Thank you November 23, 2018