Describe this map. Is it wrong? Why was it drawn this way? AP Human Geography Please pick up a spiral notebook from the bin at the front of the room. This notebook will be used for your starter activities each day. It will remain in the classroom and be checked once a week. On the first page, please record today’s date and the following question. Describe this map. Is it wrong? Why was it drawn this way?
Mrs. Tuite’s Non-Negotiables: 1. I will be enforcing the JVHS cell phone and headphone/earbud policy. This means, if you have your phone out and I have not given you instructions to use it, it will be confiscated and brought to the main office where you can pick it up at the end of the day. 2. No food allowed in class. (Unless I am providing you with food OR it is a cash-in day) You are allowed drinks in a container with a twist-top. No, you cannot ask to go to a drink machine during class. 3. If I am speaking or instructing the class, or if a classmate is contributing to the lesson, no one else should be talking. This is basic manners!
Other things you should know… Do not ask to run errands during class. My class time with you is limited and valuable, any “errands” that you need to run can be done between classes, during ILT, at lunch, the end of the school day, or in the morning before classes begin. If you’re having a really bad day… “Stress Item” Be appropriate at all times! In the classroom, you are expected to use academic and respectful language to EVERYONE.
“The Role of Place in the World” Partner Up! “Elevator Discussion” 2 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds, 15 seconds