Soteriology Conclusion Justification by Faith Alone, Saving Faith, and Sanctification
Justification by Faith Alone Martin Luther – Justification by Faith Alone is the article on which the church stands or falls. Luther also said we are simul iustus et peccator, ”at the same time just and sinner.” As a justified person we are simultaneously just and sinful.
Justification by Faith Alone The Roman Catholic Church in Luther’s day said the instrumental cause of justification is the sacrament of baptism. If one commits a mortal sin, then one could lose the grace of justification, thus the ”second” plank of justification happens: penance. Protestants argue the instrumental cause of justification is faith. It remains exclusively in the righteousness of Christ.
Saving Faith Notitia = content of faith, the things we believe Assensus = conviction that the content of our faith is true. Fiducia = personal trust and reliance
Saving Faith Fruits of Conversion: Repentance Adoption – we become brothers and sisters in Christ. Peace - peace with God. Access to God – we now have access to the Father through the blood of Christ
Sanctification We are justified not by a profession of faith by the possession of faith. There is steady growth in the Christian life It is impossible for the converted person to remain unchanged. Sanctification does not progress in a steady line from a starting point of conversion until being home in glory. There are peaks and valley’s
Sanctification Phil. 2:12-13. Paul tells us to work out our salvation, which means a call to be diligent in our pursuit of righteousness
Heretical Views of Sanctification Legalism and Antinomianism Legalism – Very high view of the law. Legalists will see the law of God so important to sanctification that they add to the law. (ex. Not going to certain movies, dancing, etc.)
Heretical Views of Sanctification Antinomianism – low view of the law. Antinomians say because Christians are under grace there is no need to obey the law.
Sanctification One who desires to be more like Christ should desire to pursue godliness, one obeys the law not because they are trying to earn, but because they want to grow into holiness.