Evidence of Common Ancestry A Web Exploration Activity
Instructions Fill in the graphic organizer on your handout by clicking through the next slide. Each topic (textbox) in the graphic organizer is hyperlinked to a webpage that gives you information and explanations about that topic. In slide show view, move the mouse over the topic and click. This will take you to the linked webpage. Analyze and evaluate the information on each webpage. Use that information to answer the questions on your student handout. Although all answers can be found within the information on the linked web pages, other web resources may be used if needed.
Evidence of Common Ancestry Fossils Homologies Biogeography Chronology in Fossil Record Transitional Forms Pace of Evolution Anatomical Molecular Cellular Develop-mental Vestigial Structures Distribution of Living Things Plate Tec-tonics Use teacher supplied resources to answer the Guiding Questions on the student handout. Gradual Punctuated Genetic Endo-symbiosis Embryo-logical
Resources Insert appropriate research websites here (see Advance Preparation).