Recording Sources Quote Cards
Quote Cards After you have created all of your source cards, you can then begin working on your quote cards. Tips: Look for most relevant information Put just one fact or idea on each card Record precisely where you got the information
Quote Cards Guideline Source # Page # Quote 2 Athletes and Second Careers Many athletes find that fame and fortuned do not end when they leave the court, the playing field, or the ring. George Foreman is a fine example. He appears regularly on talk shoes and writes numerous fitness columns. In addtion, he sells products on TV ads. 46
Source Number The same number as listed on your source card. Helps to group information for citations. Located in upper-right hand corner
Guideline Located directly below source number; approximately five spaces from the left side. Helps to organize source cards by topic Will help when creating a topic outline
Quote This is the beef of the card—tells the information you want to include in your paper Located directly underneath the guideline. Do not indent if your quote is not the beginning of a paragraph.
Page Number The page number where you found this information Always located in the lower left-hand corner.
Types of Quote Cards Direct Quotation Card Paraphrase Card Summary Card
Direct Quotation Card Used when a statement expresses an idea so well that you must put it, word for word, into your paper. Put quotation marks around the note you have quoted directly.
Direct Quotation Card 2 Diet “Most teenagers would choose a Big Mac and fries over a grilled chicken sandwich and side salad” 45
Paraphrase Card 2 Diet A fast food sandwich and a fried side item seems to be what today’s students want. They will often forego a much healthier option, such as a salad, for a fattening, fried meal. 45
Summary Card 2 Diet According to Smith, student choices in the lunch room have a lot to do with childhood obesity. Instead of indulging in foods like whole grain pastas, fruits, and vegetables, students instead choose fatty items from fast food chains. Even in lunchrooms that don’t offer fast food items, students still continue to choose options that contain fat, or they choose to drink sugary sodas and processed snacks. 45