ASL Literature 17 Minutes of Video
Major Forms of ASL Literature Literature produced by the Deaf culture is pass down by the act of storytelling. Visual literature is passed down from generation to generation. It can come in many forms: 17 Minutes of Video
Humor/Jokes Often times it is making fun of themselves/their deafness. Often times it is making fun of themselves/their deafness. Humor/Jokes
ABC Stories The Snowmobile KO KO These stories only use the ABC – handshapes to tell an entire story. ABC Stories
The Bug Story # 1-10 Wizard and Snake # 1-16 Football Game # 10 - 0 Number Stories These stories only use the # – handshapes to tell an entire story.
These stories only use the Classifier – handshapes to tell an entire story. The Ball – remake of Ben Bahn’s story Classifier Story Skip :49 Many poems created by the Deaf are related to common themes and experiences. Poetry Rhymes are measured in hand shapes and meter in movements. 17 Minutes of Video
Remember, translating some of these original ASL stories into proper English is impossible. You could have 10 interpreters – “say” what is being signed and it is very unlikely they would all use the exact same words.
Retelling Classics translating it into ASL Legend of Sleepy Hollow in ASL FSDB Students – The Wizard of Oz Retelling Classics translating it into ASL Turn Off Audio
Your Next Presentation Number Story Your Next Presentation
REQUIREMENTS You need to use # 1-10 or # 10 – 1, You need a title. 0 is optional. You need a title. Use ALL the numbers REQUIREMENTS
Signs with the # handshape are acceptable. 2-scissors, 9-find, 4-door Numbers can be bent or closed, but must be correct #. Story should flow Example: If you are in the car you can’t suddenly be in the shower. Don’t use an activity more than twice in your story (ex. make-up or stirring) You CAN use a number more than once – but it must be consecutive – ex. # 1 - Wizard story REQUIREMENTS
REQUIREMENTS Write out what each # represents 1 – I was just standing there when 2 – I look up… You need to show facial expressions (shock, fear, happy, tired, etc) my face should be bored, eyes looking around/at floor 2 – I look up My head should tilt, my eyes mimic my handshape, my mouth open slightly REQUIREMENTS
Practice Your # Story The Bug Story - Person Walking Looking around Lands on his arm ________ And so on….