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Moving From Tactician to Strategist Jo Miller
I have some unique koalafications
Our behavior teaches people how to treat us
Transitioning from Doing to Leading Tactician Executing Subject matter expert Problem-solver YOUR SUCCESS Leading Strategist Envisioning Thought leader Agenda-setter TEAM’S SUCCESS
“You need to be more strategic.”
Ellie Pidot, VP, Enterprise Excellence & Business Transformation at Medtronic “Have a bias for action and getting things done. Come up with a plan, and think ahead in a way that is proactive. Have milestones — check them off and follow through.” “Strategy is a fancy word for coming up with a long-term plan and putting it into action.”
3 STEPS FOR BEING STRATEGIC ENVISION COMMUNICATE IMPLEMENT 3 STEPS FOR BEING STRATEGIC — Ellie Pidot Three steps involved in being strategic Strategic visioning Communicating your strategy Strategic implementation
How are you currently spending your time? https://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/fbBDvCfwjMcu1VB
Dona Munsch, VP, Cloud Operations at NetApp “My ‘get ‘er done’ mentality—as the go-to person, and the only one who knew how to do certain things—got in my way of moving ahead. I couldn’t step out of my own role to take on new opportunities.”
Your time portfolio: Analyze your calendar Take a look at the last month Color code your activities: are they strategic or tactical? — Dona Munsch
Your Time Portfolio Which activities will you let go of? What will you do more of?
4 Questions Asked by Strategic Leaders
4 Question Asked by Strategic Leaders What’s Your Time Horizon? What Are Your Customers’ Unmet Needs? What’s The Scope of Your Influence? What’s The Extent Of The Change You’re Driving? Write it down: What are you most concerned with?
What's one thing you'll do to "make shift happen?" https://www.polleverywhere.com/free_text_polls/WzJksTRQmbl0DBK