Insight into the teenage brain Comparing text to media (continued)
Learning targets I can compare a text-only version to a multimedia version of that text. I can identify the main and supporting ideas of the text and media.
Reading Standards for Literature (RL) and Informational text (RI) Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text (7.RI/RL.7) Score 4.0 In addition to Score 3.0, I am able to determine multiple themes and provided supporting details for each one. Score 3.0 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text I am able to determine the theme or central idea of a piece of text. I am able to find at least 3 key details that support the theme or central idea. I am able to use the theme or central idea and the key details to construct a summary free from personal opinion. Score 2.0 There are no major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes as the student: I am able to determine a theme or central idea. I am able to include the theme or central idea in my summary. I am able to find 1 to 2 key details that support the theme or central idea. However, the student exhibits major errors or omissions regarding the more complex ideas and processes. Some of the key ideas I have chosen do not support the theme or central idea. My summary contains personal opinions and/or details that do not support the theme or central idea. The student will recognizes or recalls specific terminology, such as: theme, central idea, supporting/key details, summary, distinct, judgment, convey, facts, opinions Score 1.0 With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes. With teacher assistance, I am able to determine a theme or central idea. I am unable to find key details. The details I have included do not supporting the theme or central idea. I am unable to construct a summary free from personal opinion without assistance from the teacher. Score 0.0 Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated. Learning Scale Remember our learning scale that we did our last reflection about. We will be revisiting it, so please remember our goal to be able to find three key details that support our main idea. Recall that we have done this for our first three articles.
Important questions to ask yourself when comparing media and text… How will analyzing the main idea of a video be different from looking at it in a text? How will analyzing the main idea in a video be the same as in a text?
Turn and talk to your neighbor about THE TWO QUESTIONS Please remember expectations for turn and talk . . . And then we will share answers, so be prepared
Insight into the teenaged brain
With your table, look at page 31 of your packet What is the main idea of this video? What is the background? What are the supporting details? What is the conclusion? How do we find these?
Let’s pause and look again at page 26 of our student packets What is similar or different? What is better in the text version? What are the advantages of the interactive version How does understanding differ when you watch a video?
Rate yourself on where you are on the stoplight on your way out Red means I still don’t get this at all Yellow means I kind of get this Green means I fully understand YOU MUST ALSO ADD ONE REASON WHY… (E.G., I l kind of get this because I can find the gist but I am not confident that it is a central idea all the time.)