Ocean spray cranberry juice By shay pickens
introduction This presentation is to explain why you should drink ocean spray cranberry juice.
Background info Ocean spray was founded by 3 cranberry growers in 1930. There are now over 700 grower families in north america. When ocean spray first started their first product was cranberry jellies then came cranberry juice cocktails in the early 1930s. In 2013 they made 2.3 billion.
Opinion statement I think ocean spray is the best juice because it is healthy and soooo good! Period sis!
Reason 1~healthy juice option Ocean spray is made with no added sugar which is good for your teeth and body. Ocean spray Cranberry juice has many benefits like providing the recommended amount of vitamin c and it also helps people lose weight.
Reason 2~variety of flavors Ocean spray offer 13 different cranberry based drinks like cran-grape,cran- apple,white cranberry...ect.
Reason 3~Delicious taste It’s self explanatory it just tastes good!
I think you should try ocean spray cranberry juice www.oceanspray.com/Who-We-Are/Heritage/Our-History.aspx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= SRhI7vMuDf0 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocean_ Spray_(cooperative) conclusion I think you should try ocean spray cranberry juice