Eschatology, a Broad Perspective From Genesis to Revelation
Basic Outline Three major divisions; John was commanded to write concerning Things past, “the things which you have seen,” i.e. the Patmos vision (1:1-20) Things present, “the things which are,” i.e. the existing churches (2:1-3:22) Things future, “the things which shall take place after these things,” i.e. events after the Church Age ends (4:1-22:5). “Write therefore the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall take place after these things.” (Rev 1:19) NASB 11/23/2018
A Synopsis of the Four Views 11/23/2018
Seven Churches Without looking at your Bible, who can name the seven churches in Revelation 2-3? 11/23/2018
Seven Letters Rev 1:19-20 Format of each letter “Write therefore the things which you have seen, the things which are, …” Stars (Angels): Leader/Pastor of the church Lampstand: Church Format of each letter Address Attributes of the speaker (Jesus Christ) Assertion of complete knowledge of the people (“I know”) Description of the state of the church including condemnation or criticism Promise of the Lord’s coming (“I am coming”) Universal command to hear (“He who has an ear to hear”) Promise to the overcomer Each letter shows distinct attributes of the church that should be considered today 11/23/2018
Ephesus Prosperous port city on Aegean sea in modern-day Turkey Wealthy and cultured population Famed for Temple of Artemis (Diana) & Library of Celsus Church founded by Paul on 2nd journey Demetrius (silversmith) caused uproar during Paul’s visit: Acts 19:23-41 Harbor Ancient Ephesus Modern-day Ephesus 11/23/2018
To the Church in Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7) Attributes of Christ “One who holds the seven stars in His right hand” “One who walks among the seven golden lampstands” Signifies Christ’s power and authority over, sustainment of, and concern for His church Positive Assessment Toil, hard work Perseverance, staying with it Unwillingness to tolerate evil men, holding to moral purity Commitment to test false teachers Have not grown weary Hatred of the Nicolaitans 11/23/2018
The Nicolaitans Followers of Nicolaus of Antioch leader of “a heretical sect, who retained pagan practices like idolatry and immorality” Gnostics who were associated with Nicolaus and were given to licentious living Name comes from Greek words for victory (nikos) and people (laos): meaning conqueror of the people Similar to Hebrew Balaam (devourer of the people): Num 22 Forerunners of clerical hierarchy in the church 11/23/2018
But … Condemnation “But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” Matt 24:12, Jer 2:2 A church of loveless orthodoxy that has become distracted What causes us to be distracted from important things in our lives? Busyness Misplaced priorities Trying to meet the perception of others CHurch 11/23/2018
Exhortation “Remember, therefore where you have come from where you have fallen, and repent, and do the deeds that you did at first.” Remember Repent Do what you did previously What did our early Christian experience look like? What does it look like today? Early Christian experience - Bible study, prayer, witnessing, worship, scripture memory? 11/23/2018
Promise “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” Not everyone will hear/listen Note the work of the Trinity in the passage (Father, Son, Spirit) “To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the Paradise of God” Gen 2:22-24; Rev 22:2 Overcoming recognizes the reality of conflict Overcomers are the faithful, but through the work of God 11/23/2018
The Prophetic Nature of the Letters? Location Church Time Frame Characteristic Ephesus The Apostolic Church 30-100 AD Lost first love Smyrna The Persecuted Church 100-312 AD Persecuted Church Pergamum The State Church 312-590 AD Faithful, but tolerates false teachers Thyatira The Papal Church 590-1517 AD Church dominated by a powerful false teacher Sardis The Reformed Church 1517-1790 AD Spiritually dying church Philadelphia The Missionary Church 1790-1900 AD Faithful witnessing church Laodicea The Apostate Church 1900- Lukewarm church 11/23/2018
Take-away We can easily become distracted in the chaos of life and lose our first love We need to remember, repent, and do the things we previously did Great remembering passages Romans 1-3, 8 Ephesians 1:3-2:10 Col 2:9-3:4 But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. James 1:22 11/23/2018
The Next Several Weeks Oct 9 IBC Band (No Morning Song) Oct 16 Smyrna Chris Oct 23 Pergamum Jim Oct 30 Thyatira Jon Nov 6 IBC Band (No Morning Song) Nov 13 Sardis Jim Nov 20 Philadelphia Clint Nov 27 Laodicea Chris 11/23/2018
See you NEXT week! 11/23/2018
When will the end come? 11/23/2018