PLAY ME Do now starter!! What is the word that unites all of the images and is the title of our PSHCE lesson today? What does the song say?
TRANSITION To identify the meaning of the term Transition To be able to explain how transition is a part of life To evaluate the positives and negatives of change.
Transition just means CHANGE
Task Make a list of all the changes you have faced so far in your life Now add changes which you think you will face in the future
Task (group of 4) Make a timeline of your changes plotting events which occur from birth to 110 years of age! Make your timeline as big as possible-eg/. board markers across several tables Some events may occur more than once
Task Now add colour to code how the changes made you feel- eg/ happy/ excited/ sad/ frightened, nervous Class feedback
Change often makes people feel anxious, even “good” changes can be stressful and unsettling. We can prevent some of the anxiety by being prepared and in control of the change. The rest of this lesson looks at the different situations in which you will find yourselves and strategies you may use to make change enjoyable.
What can we learn from this experience? PLAY ME
Apply your learning As a group make a list of the differences between primary and secondary school. Add notes about how you coped or struggled with these changes Now using this information design an assembly or a survival guide for 6 students in your old primary schools. The aim is to prepare them for the changes which they face when they arrive at All Saints’ in the future.
Your presentation needs to be approximately 10 mins long or Your survival guide (3 pages) It may include a music, drama, a prayer. Your aim is to outline the changes they will face Give strategies to help them to be prepared for these changes!
It would be useful for you to start by outlining some of your successes and failures during year 7 Now use this to give tips for being successful and advise them on how to avoid making mistakes. You could cover- Personal organisation strategies and routines Homework and revision Clubs- teams- chaplaincy- house captains- student council Friendships- getting on with your teachers Reporting problems
Show and tell opportunity Show us what you’ve got!!
Top tips for coping with change- Plenary After listening to your peers come up with a class list of top tips for change Top tips for coping with change- Do not worry about things you cannot control Break big problems and tasks into little ones Prepare for every event to the best of your ability Look at change as a positive opportunity rather then a threat Talk to trusted friends, members of staff, family Set realistic goals Avoid over scheduling- use a diary/ timetable at home and school Exercise regularly- eat a good balanced diet- participate in sports/ activities you enjoy every week
TRANSITION What does Transition mean? Is transition a part of life? Why? State at least 3 positives and 3 negatives of change. Do the positives outweigh the negatives or not? Why?