TTA M2M Activities & Proposal of revised resolution Document No: GSC17-PLEN-20 Source: TTA Contact: Peter J. Kim GSC Session: PLEN Agenda Item: 6.10 TTA M2M Activities & Proposal of revised resolution Peter J. Kim, Principal Specialist, TTA
Highlight of Current Activities(1/2) Resolution 7 of the 72th TTA General Assembly(‘12.6.12) Appoints the Mobile Communication Technical Committee(TC7) and its appropriate project group to participate and support the activities of oneM2M Authorizes the ability to liaise and work in conjunction with other TC or PGS in relation to M2M standardization activities (i.e. medical, automobile, grid, etc.)
Highlight of Current Activities (2/2) oneM2M Partnership Project TTA is one of 7 founding Partners of oneM2M Partnership Project ※ ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TIA, TTA, TTC Signed the Partnership Agreement on 24 July 2012 at the oneM2M kick-off meeting ※ The 1st oneM2M Steering Committee Meeting
Highlight of Current Activities (3/4) No. TTA’s Contribution to oneM2M Technical Specification Pool 1 The Standard Interface for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks 2 USN Metadata Directory Service Interface Specification 3 USN Metadata Model 4 Reference Model and Operational requirements for USN Resource Community 5 USN Service Middleware Platform Reference Model 6 High level model of M2M application deployment and interworking 7 M2M specific communication service scenarios and functional requirements 8 Requirements of open architecture for M2M device registration and discovery 9 Scenarios and basic requirements of P2P communication for M2M devices 10 M2M Smart grid service use case: Energy management system for public buildings and surveillances 11 M2M UM3 Protocol (Universal monitoring, maintenance and management protocol) 12 M2M service use case : smart home service platform for system integration 13 M2M service use case : Fleet management service using DTG 14 M2M service use case : Mobile healthcare service in WPAN environments
Highlight of Current Activities (4/4) TTA’s member to oneM2M No. Member’s Name 1 Samsung Electronics 2 LG Electronic 3 KT 4 LGU+ 5 SKT 6 Samsung SDS 7 ETRI 8 KCA 9 KETI 10 KWISA 11 Hyundai MnSoft 12 Modacom 13 WebSync 14 ntels 15 IWIX
Strategic Direction Global standards are important enabler for interoperating multiple devices to create economies of scale for manufacturers and solution providers; Timely development of M2M standards driven by the market will meet the needs of industries, consumers and end-users GSC should endeavour to reduce overlap, foster synergy, and encourage coherence
Challenges How to utilize capabilities of ITU and oneM2M to facilitate the work of M2M standardization without overlapping its work
Next Steps / Actions Closer cooperation between ITU and oneM2M
Proposed Resolution It is proposed to modify Resolution GSC-16/30 taking into account the changes that have occurred in the M2M standardization area, particularly the oneM2M Attachment : Proposed Modification of Resolution GSC-16/30