Plant Stuff 2
Gymnosperms rely on wind pollination rather than attracting animals with flowers and fruits.
Most gymnosperms keep their leaves all year long.
Angiosperms – plants that produce flowers, fruits Angiosperms – plants that produce flowers, fruits. Angio is Greek for “vessel.”
Advantage of flowers: attract pollinators, which carry pollen to other plants and contribute to genetic diversity.
Flower anatomy. How long have you been my student… you know what to do…start sketching. 7th and 1st per.
Cross Pollination: transfer of pollen from one plant to another by animals or wind. Increase Genetic Diversity. Myles was here
Dicotyledons have two seed leafs, netlike veins Dicotyledons have two seed leafs, netlike veins. Sketch the bottom left picture.
Monocotyledons possess a single seed leaf and parallel veins Monocotyledons possess a single seed leaf and parallel veins. Sketch the picture to the right. 2nd per.
Root hairs increase the surface area of roots for better absorption.
Meristematic tissue: stem cells that divide and differentiate resulting in growth of plant.
Apical meristem: is located at both the roots and shoots of plants Apical meristem: is located at both the roots and shoots of plants. Quickly sketch the picture.
Phototropism: plant growth in response to photon source (light).
Geotropism: growth of plant in response to Earth’s gravity Geotropism: growth of plant in response to Earth’s gravity. Recall that geo means Earth.