Supplementary Figure S12 A. p68 conditional knockout strategy: Provided by TaconicArtemis GmbH (not drawn to scale) Mouse Genomic Locus Targeting Vector SA ~3.0 kb LA ~6.0 kb Neo Targeted Allele (after homologous recombination) Constitutive KO Allele (after Cre-mediated Tk 1 13 FA ~4.0 kb 2-11 untranslated loxP Conditional KO Allele (after Flp-mediated p68 exons frameshift 12 Puro floxed exons FRT F3 SA: short arm FA: floxed arm LA: long arm A B C Primers (A,B,C) for PCR B. PCR to confirm correct Cre-mediated excision of p68 gene in liver (L) and pancreas (P) of p68loxP/loxP;ESR-Cre+ mice upon Tamoxifen treatment A/B A/C PCR primers Tamoxifen - - M (bp) + + - - + + Tissues L P L P L P L P 500 400 300 200