Medical Terminology Abbreviations Lesson 2
ab abortion termination of a pregnancy
BK Below the knee
CBC Complete blood count
DAT Diet as tolerated
EEG Electroencephalogram Electrical recording of the brain
FBS Fasting Blood Sugar
GI Gastro-intestinal
HCT Hematocrit Hematocrit: The percentage solids and liquids in the blood.
I & O Intake and Output
Lat Lateral
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging procedure using magnets and radio waves to produce images of the body.
noct Nocturnal, night
OOB Out of Bed
Pupils equal and reactive to light PERL (PEARL) Pupils equal and reactive to light
Q every
Review I & O q shift Intake and output every
Review OOB bid. Out of bed Twice a day
Review FBS, HCT in the am. Fasting blood sugar hematocrit
Review Lat incision BK Lateral (side) Below the knee
Review GI series today. Gastrointestinal
Review Schedule therapeutic ab on 8-28-12. abortion
Review Clear liquids tonight, progress to DAT in am. Diet as tolerated
Review Check NG placement q 2 hours nasogastric every