DOW - коалесценты Эфиры гликолей, серии Е Торговые марки Дау Эфиры гликолей, серии Е Торговые марки Дау Бутилгликоль Бутил CELLOSOLVE ™ Бутилдигликоль Бутил CARBITOL™ Бутилдигликольацетат Бутил CARBITOL ацетат Феноксиэтанол DALPAD ™A Эфиры гликолей, серии Р Бутиловый эфир пропиленгликоля DOWANOL™ PnB Бутиловый эфир дипропиленгликоля DOWANOL DPnB Бутиловый эфир трипропиленгликоля DOWANOL TPnB Фениловый эфир пропиленгликоля DOWANOL PPh Пропиловый эфир дипропиленгликоля DOWANOL DPnP Сложные эфиры Изобутираты UCAR™ IBT (Тексанол) The above slide provides an overview of the major groups of solvents which are used and generally meet the performance criteria. traditionally speciality esters have been used, although the versatility of glycol ether solvents as coalescing agents for paints and coatings has led them to become established as the preferred coalescent in many formulations. The glycol ether family of solvents used in water based coatings can be divided into two main groups, products derived from ethylene oxide (E-series) and products derived from propylene oxide (P-series). The P-series products have gained a dominant position in the market because of their more favourable toxicological profile. In order to select the most suitable coalescing agent the formulator needs to understand the film formation process and the influence of coalescent solvents on film formation. 11/23/2018